Example sentences of "number [prep] [noun pl] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 Engine failures cost Mario a number of races that he was leading and at Silverstone he had an unpleasant run-in with Hunt , putting Hunt off the track , which caused a lot of bad blood in the hugely provincial and chauvinistic British press , which backs a Brit no matter what .
2 As usual , the Minister makes a lot of statements but gives no real facts , It would be useful if he followed the Prime Minister 's example and supported the concept of targets for the number of women that he expects to see in grades 1 to 5 of the civil service in one , two and five years ' time .
3 Most patients reacted to injections of a number of substances and he made them up custom made ‘ vaccines ’ of supposed antidotes .
4 A male benefits from having a number of females because he fathers all their chicks .
5 The Orkney Christian Fellowship was set up in the mid-1980s by a former Church of Scotland Minister , Alan Cowieson , who had caused division amongst a number of families while he was still Minister of the Evie , Rendall and Firth Parish .
6 Regis said : ‘ I do n't blame Linford one little bit — appearing in the number of rounds that he has would have taxed the strength of a superman .
7 In fact , he was telling me only the other week , about the the number of criminals that he knows , they 're serving their they 're serving sentences , and they 're only one thing they 're longing and hoping for , it is get out , so they can knock another old lady down ,
8 ‘ Or did he want a couple with the same number of children as he had ?
9 At the beginning of his reign , James issued a number of assurances that he would " preserve this Government , both in Church and State , as it is now by Law established " .
10 Each subscriber to the memorandum of a limited company with a share capital is required to take at least one share and against the name of each must be shown the number of shares that he takes .
11 Mr. Gardiner argued that Walton J. erred in a number of respects although he may have reached the right answer by the wrong route .
12 Boswell had by now made it plain over a number of years that he wished to write Johnson 's Life .
13 For a number of years after he ascended the throne he remained highly deferential to gentry concerns .
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