Example sentences of "woman who have [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 She began to wonder if the woman who had sent the box-message had tricked her here into this dead-end room .
2 But the efficient-looking woman who had manned the reception desk on Folly 's previous visit was not yet at her post .
3 She was a vibrant and passionate woman who had revealed the intensity of her love for him up on the moors .
4 A woman who had made the most of what she 'd got , and done her best to be content .
5 Her mother tried to persuade the woman who had received the letters to let her talk with this guard ; a man who was actually in touch with her husband .
6 She recognised at once the well-built woman who turned from some chore at the kitchen sink as the woman who had opened the door to her last Friday .
7 Maha was a lushly beautiful woman who had left the husband who had been arranged for her .
8 I had one from an 80-year-old woman who had carried the secret all her life ’ .
9 It was the woman who had put the flowers on the place where Harry Lawrence had died , and there was a small toy dog , a Pekinese , yapping by her ankles .
10 It was the woman who had brought the flowers to the pavement .
11 Rodney Jameson , prosecuting , said the two men were living in a house in Crescent Road , Middlesbrough , which was owned by a woman who had rented the television set and video recorder .
12 Like many readers before and since , the author of The Cloud identified Mary the contemplative with Mary Magdalene and with the woman who had anointed the feet of Christ , washed them with her tears and who was told by Jesus that her sins had been forgiven because of her great love .
13 I liked the idea of people not knowing whether it 's a man or a woman who 's done the painting .
14 She 's mother-of-three Pamela Stephenson , the woman who has made the interesting switch from being outrageous to outraged ; graduating from wicked impersonations of Margaret Thatcher to delivering petitions to the leaderene 's own doorstep .
15 The NCCED and the other organisations listed on pages 145–7 offer support and counselling for a woman who has spent the whole of her life caring for parents or a relative who has died .
16 The caves gave shelter to a new generation of troglodytes — European nomads , Australian girls ending their ‘ Grand Tours ’ by going native , those few English women who had felt the lure of the desert so intently that they now nursed fair-haired , olive-skinned babies and hung their washing-lines from one eroded pinnacle to another .
17 There were two new women who had joined the group to take part in the study programme .
18 Habré stated that five seats in the National Assembly would be allocated to women who had achieved the highest number of votes as runners-up , to join the two women who had succeeded in being elected .
19 Even with structured A4 records , computerised recall and repeat prescribing , and a relatively vigilant team , we still found it difficult to ensure that women who had stopped the pill because of a rise in pressure did not resume it , even when they and practice staff were apparently aware of the risk .
20 Mum Pat Hoey , 48 , said : ‘ Vicky is thrilled to bits after the dog was found by two women who had seen the story in the Echo and looked for our house in Tuebrook .
21 Mean values were not significantly different ( Table I ) but the older women who had had the operation were more likely than their controls to report <5 defecations per week ( 27% v 9% , p<0.01 ) and also more likely to report <3 defecations per week ( 11% v 2% , p<0.025 ) .
22 At that moment one of the other two women who had left the room for a couple of minutes returned with a bowl of water and began to bathe the injured arm .
23 So say the dozens of famous men and women who 've signed the advertisement due to appear in tomorrow 's Times .
24 Successful political women are likely to be ‘ exceptional ’ women who have minimised the ‘ family effect ’ .
25 More importantly , the report caused needless anxiety to all the women who have attended the centre .
26 Women who have attended the Dow-Stoker Returner courses can always give the course tutor as a referee .
27 The women who will use the services , women who have used the services in the past , and women who will use them in the future , and that 's all of us .
28 Women who have valued the sex act just because of its potential to create a child may find that it no longer gives them pleasure .
29 If the Lords rule in favour of the two women who have brought the test case , hundreds of other cases that are pending in Newbury magistrates ' court will have to be dropped and thousands of earlier prosecutions might become subject to compensation claims .
30 She called to St Margaret and St Joan and to all the women who have fought the burning and conquered the dragon .
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