Example sentences of "need [prep] [be] more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , there is a need for a substantial impact of additional resources , and the NHS will need to be more successful in attracting key staff such as accountants and computer staff .
2 In places of special risk , such as hospital kitchens serving meals to the very old , the very young , or immuno-suppressive patients or the factory producing large quantities of cooked cold meats , disinfection may need to be more frequent .
3 ‘ I do n't need to be more famous , ’ he said last week after returning to a charmingly comfortable home converted from farm buildings some 15 miles to the north-west of Newcastle .
4 He did n't need to be more explicit .
5 If you 're going to , if you 're going to provide the service you have to be careful that it , it is being effective , as effective as it can be , does it need to be more effective and should it be operating all week .
6 However , the vocabulary for such a review will need to be more subtle and precise , and much less polarized , than that which has dominated discussion of such matters in primary education for the last two decades or so ( Alexander 1984 , 1989 , 1991 ) .
7 as there will need to be more campaigning before we see the expansionable description in the theatre and that could be
8 There will , of course , be occasions when the purpose calls for increased specificity of type : we would need to be more knowledgeable about the precise meaning of bronze , for example , in the context of a textbook on metallurgy .
9 We shall need to be more flexible in the way we handle retirement , and as generous as we can be to what is fortunately a declining proportion of the retired — that is , those who rely entirely on their State pension .
10 ‘ The Federal Reserve needs to be more attentive to the need to avoid tipping this economy into a recession , ’ he warns .
11 However , a sociological explanation needs to be more holistic than this , and it is not normally sufficient merely to regard the events leading up to a strike as its cause .
12 It needs to be more ragged . ’
13 Labour needs to be more persuasive about wealth creation , says Will Hutton
14 While the relevant authorities should adapt to make wives ’ lives easier , the public also needs to be more open-minded .
15 A successful corporate financier needs to be more commercial , more extrovert and more ambitious than the average number cruncher , with leadership skills for when he — and it is still very much a male preserve — heads a team .
16 A successful corporate financier needs to be more commercial , more extrovert and more ambitious than the average number cruncher
17 At primary level , the range of material for exploration needs to be more diverse : myth , legend , fairy stories , poems .
18 We have examined the various models and explanations of leadership , from the traditional concern with leaders and their subordinates to a more recent approach which suggests that leadership needs to be more enlightened and to allow individuals to develop their own leadership skills .
19 The driving system needs to be more flexible .
20 He needs to be more careful .
21 Local success/failure workshop — needed to be more structured
22 They say that the flabby reaction to the Gulf War ( and the lack of reaction to their vague anti-Gulf War B-side ‘ Riding On Through ’ ) made them realise they needed to be more specific .
23 We recognised that training for this role needed to be more structured and now a formal training programme to supplement and extend my training has been set up with the cooperation of senior medical staff .
24 But their two aims conflicted because on the one hand they 're trying to protect production and to allow erm er capit private enterprise and capitalism to develop but on the other hand they 're erm trying to redistribute all the land er because the May the fourth directive was n't going far enough , they , they needed to be more severe upon landlords
25 We become more long-sighted as we grow older , and our glasses need to be more powerful .
26 Also to make them more user friendly especially for mums with toddlers in tow , they need to be more roomy .
27 ‘ With the increasing emphasis on health promotion and screening we need to be more critical and to regard intervention with the same rigour that we use to examine a new drug in a clinical trial , ’ he says .
28 We should read the catalogue descriptions with circumspection — what they do not say is invariably more important than what they do — and we need to be more guarded when reading articles by newspaper reporters whose effusions are often more flamboyant than they should be .
29 Parents need to be more involved in medical history-taking and information about their own illnesses leading to their children 's admission to care might provide valuable material for improved policy and practice .
30 You need to be more direct in negotiations .
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