Example sentences of "erm [coord] [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , the reason that happened was that there was no-one servicing holidays erm and they came to us for an allocation and and we gave it to them .
2 I agree with Mike that the panel has been and er he is and will continue to do , erm I am sure , erm and , and that think certainly it will apply to , ought to be extended so that it wo n't need staff , er to be need during er nineteen ninety four erm and we wanted to , to note the continuing high levels of unemployment er on this side we believe the County Council should have an economic purpose strategy anyway , this should be a very important part of it 's strategic there , the strategic planning role .
3 Right , and erm and he goes to us , can I give you a kiss ?
4 understand why all the agencies involved identify four in those circumstances I think in R A Southern Water district to themselves , because we 've got that information repeated across the county erm and it seemed to me important that erm somebody er accepted responsibility for taking an overall view of the circumstances to er merely because of course we can only concern ourselves with manmade er circumstances rather than er erm but I think you know members would agree that as a strategic planning authority , we appear to be the only auth er the only body which can erm in the cold light of day we view the circumstances look at the implications for strategic planning and local planning and the suggestion of those developments and obviously that would be a concern to us and er I felt and I have to that it is an area of responsibility erm which er within the of this
5 Erm , although I think we will say that that would be dangerous thing to do and that we should continue to work upon the er the assumption that there erm er overall as a n , a nine percent increase , but , that seems highly unlikely that will succeed , erm What I 've then done is take account of the various staffing changes that there have been during the year , both short term and long term , erm , and you 'll see that produces a figure actually available to us this year of twenty seven thousand five hundred and eighty eight investigative hours , erm which is slightly less than we had last year , er but erm almost not significantly so , erm and it seemed to me therefore that if we were n't trying to reduce times , er , if we were saying that we would turn in times at the end of this year which were the same as the term times we turned in at the end of last year we could probably achieve that without any further recruitment .
6 Erm and it comes to quite a high figure and he 's not happy .
7 Erm with without a new settlement erm that that was indeed the the impression that erm I was left with as well , and what what we 've sought to do in in the evidence that we 've we 've put before you is to take the nine seven , nine thousand seven hundred figure in Greater York , and and er s based on the data supplied by the County Council to demonstrate that that actually when one looks at outstanding commitments erm with planning permission , identified the sites er without planning permission , those those that are allocated in local plans , making suitable allowances for small sites erm windfall sites and conversion , erm the the residual figure that is left in Greater York , which I calculate to be eight thousand six hundred and thirty seven , once one has taken away completions , which I think is an agreed figure between nineteen ninety one and nineteen ninety three of one thousand and sixty three , that erm , those existing commitments , and the sites likely to come forward , ma virtually match the figure for the outstanding housing requirement , so so one is left with a view that erm from from the data that 's put in front of us that there is n't a residue of that size to accommodate , although I accept that there may well be a residue of some sort , erm and it seems to me that the established Greater York erm framework , er is is the process by which that is distributed around the counties along the lines that the discussion 's proceeded this morning .
8 and erm and I said to Andy
9 and I had a very sheltered life , I was an only child , I had n't been around much , I had n't stayed away from home erm and I came to Suffolk to visit a girl penfriend who was working at Brandeston Hall and erm she at that time was expecting to get engaged to a chappy in the village here who was , and still is a friend of Hector 's and ours , and they did n't marry in the finish but she at that time wanted me to come up to Suffolk to see her and to meet this chappy who she thought she was going to marry and erm so , it was holiday from the art school where I was and I thought well why not ?
10 I mean I think it 's the class thing as well really , because I can remember when I was erm leaving school erm and I went to the careers erm teacher for my interview and I said I 'd like to be a journalist and she looked at me and I came from a very poor working class background in Tottenham , and she said ‘ I 'm sure you could be a secretary or a shorthand typist if you really tried ’ .
11 Erm and I have to er pick up the point made opposite that the protection has been pretty good over the last few years without the policy .
12 Yes erm well erm and I belong to the Nursery Nurses ' Association .
13 The fact of the matter is , as far as the erm and I accept to a certain degree what Jack has just said , that the power for schools lies with the Governors , and it lies with the Governors because the Conservative Government has enacted legislation to allow that to happen .
14 and he starts crying if you insist erm and you have to be pretty firm with him
15 Erm but they seemed to be there for a specific purpose , but the normal day to day
16 Erm but I intend to er contact them again and say to them , Well you know I 'm still here and should you hit problems or find that you 've just lost one of your erm staff who were providing the kind of services that I do , do n't forget that I 'm still here .
17 whereas the white line is But if you look into the headlights it can be not dark erm but it appears to be dark because
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