Example sentences of "erm [pron] [vb base] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I know it 's associated with over extraction of water at certain points but but be that as it may , but in the old days the Sussex Lands Committee er used to be er a county function and did take an overview erm of the whole West Sussex scene in terms of what happened erm it is now really now erm not our responsibility , although we put members on it , it 's a now fairly weak er joint body but it 's pretty toothless .
2 Erm finally erm I 've come down with whatever it is that 's going around and erm you 'll notice that my voice is even more gravelly than normal erm I hope it holds out erm for the duration of this lecture .
3 Erm I hope it did n't take too long to read our statement .
4 Erm I mean it depends
5 And therefore it does n't matter what the will may have said erm I mean it does n't matter what the intestacy may be er that survivor takes it and it goes to the survivor outside of the will and you do not deal with it .
6 I 'm a governor at present er working in prison service headquarters in Edinburgh , but I previously worked in Pentonville , erm I think it depends on what you mean by do by prisons do a good job , I think that 's a terribly vague and wide ranging question
7 erm I think it made things a lot cheaper , because you had larger firms able , able to buy in bulk , and also the beginnings of the ready-made market .
8 er the audience contact when you were actually stood up in the front and you 're there on your own just getting a little bit of feedback from the audience itself er does help and then the playback which erm I think it helped a lot to see how you faired particularly on that fir first attempt what areas you had to concentrate on to rectify your problems .
9 Well I think that 's a good way of putting it , absolutely , I mean er As as I say but it it is erm I think it 's been a long process and to get I mean it 's taken nearly two years since the
10 We also have concerns about how it could erm fit in to er the countryside erm of the area er with particular reference to erm paragraph thirty three of P P G three which states that erm the net effect of any new settlement will be to enhance the environmental cause only modest environmental impact , the area in Hambledon , as Mr Wincup outlined yesterday erm is occupied essentially by the vale of York , it 's an essentially flat and rolling landscape , er the intensification of agriculture 's produced a very open landscape erm in that area erm there are few erm landscape elements to reduce into visibility , erm there are no significant areas of derelict land which could be , which would be reclaimed or enhanced erm by a new settlement , erm and the Council believes that it would be very difficult to assimilate a new settlement into this landscape , and it would be er visible over extensive areas , to touch on erm the point raised by erm the panel about self sufficiency and self containment erm I think it 's recognized in the explanatory memorandum , erm to policy H two that a new settlement will need to maintain social and economic links with a city , erm perhaps from some , this statement is explicit that erm York will continue to exert considerable influence in terms of employment , social , and community links , erm and it 's unlikely that facilities which have provided a new settlement will divert much , if an , if er any , erm of this er demand for travel .
11 erm I think it means yes mother dear .
12 I mean I was the on I was the only black guy in the regiment erm for a very long time and erm you know it did n't it does n't matter what colour you are erm apart from my case , there was if you was erm if you were slow on your runs or you was n't good at at cleaning your kit you would get bullied .
13 It 's once you 've allocated it it 's erm you know it 's actually gone from your from your calculation .
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