Example sentences of "life and [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The wasteful and destructive life-styles of the rich can not be maintained at the cost of the lives and livelihood of the poor , and of nature .
2 Se the Whitbread Hop Farm 's colourful history unfold in this authentic insight into the lives and times of the people who lived and worked at the Beltring Farm — A nostalgic experience not to be missed ! !
3 On Aug. 11 the UN 's special human rights rapporteur on Iraq , Max Van der Stoel , told a special meeting of the UN Security Council convened by France , the UK , and the USA that there was documentary evidence of a systematic policy by the Iraqi government to destroy the lives and culture of the Shia Marsh Arab population .
4 Arachne 's contribution was a woven hanging on which she had depicted the lives and loves of the gods .
5 In the indoor galleries a range of exhibitions and audio visual presentations provide background information about the lives and experiences of the thousands of other Ulster-American emigrants and the part they played in the birth and growth of the United States .
6 Sorry , that 's scuzzy , hardcore-crazy Zurich , not the more garage-inclined Lausanne in the French-speaking section , where the country 's top DJ , Dario Mancini — lives and records for the new Mania Records set-up .
7 A general right to privacy need to be enshrined in a British bill of rights which protects private lives and tastes from the interference of the state .
8 In the Midlands he took a tram in Birmingham : These were years then of a heightened dissatisfaction with our towns and cities , and every-day lives and attitudes of the British people ; the social history of the 1930s is one of bitter years ( Branson and Heinemann , 1971 ) .
9 Furthermore , industrial success or failure on a grand scale can have as much , albeit slower , effect as military defeat on the lives and well-being of a country 's citizens .
10 The books on my shelves are mostly , although not exclusively , concerned with the early years of the twentieth-century : memoirs and diaries , Lives and Letters in the monumental style of those times , some secondary works by later historians .
11 Part cool technological fantasy — like the City 's macho high tec architecture ; part children 's tea party — jelly beyond ones wildest dreams ; part culinary icon — the associations of mixing bowl factory production line , and market stall symbolise the lives and concerns of the men , women and children who lived and worked at Spitalfields .
12 The literature of the lives and legends of the saints .
13 In this way information is gradually built up , helping to paint a picture of the lives and lifestyles of the birds which appear so dramatically in the islands .
14 They chatter and stutter in the never-ending colonial quest for the perfect lawn , which is , of course , a reproach to the disorderly lives and vegetation on the outside .
15 This is either with other people 's money , or with the lives and safety of the employees .
16 A story ballet demands that the circumstances and events occurring as the plot unfolds will be seen to affect the lives and personalities of the characters involved and that dance and gesture will express moods ' emotions and action .
17 The first news of the coup was a statement signed by Yanayev , Pavlov and Baklanov and distributed bythe official news agency Tass on the morning of Aug. 19 , saying that , in keeping with the Constitution , presidential power had been transferred to Vice-President Gennady Yanayev " due to Mikhail Gorbachev 's inability to perform his duties for health reasons " , and that a state of emergency had been introduced in ( unspecified ) parts of the Soviet Union for six months to overcome " the profound crisis , political , ethnic and civil strife , chaos and anarchy that threaten the lives and security of the Soviet Union 's citizens " .
18 It is likely to be a condition of the investment that Newco takes out keyman insurance on the lives and health of the managers .
19 The rich variety of geographical environments provides a background to the diversity of ways of life and traditions of the Yugoslav peoples .
20 Our appeal , then , is that each of you individually will feel able to use to the full your gifts , your skills and your knowledge in the life and service of the Church .
21 The implications of family life and upbringing in the sexual development of the individual have been in the forefront of considerations throughout this book .
22 ( I Cor. 4:7 ) This concern to preserve the unity the Spirit had created , accounts for so much in the life and teaching of the early Church .
23 The award , which was made during the year in which both the RSC and the polytechnic celebrate their sesquicentenaries , recognised the longstanding special relationship between the parties , and marks the RSC 's contribution to the work , life and culture of the polytechnic and its precursor institutions .
24 Let there be no doubt , these young criminals are not in any way representative of the vast majority of the Afro-Caribbean community whose life has contributed to the life and culture of the West Midlands over many years and whose hopes and aspirations are at one with those of every other law-abiding citizen .
25 He backed the plans to support the uneconomic farms and asked : ‘ Do we really need to compress the traditions and vitality of rural life and culture into the straitjacket of an industry like any other ? ’
26 Johnson 's commentary upon this tale airs his willingness to take in everything and give it back out again : ‘ Narrations like this , however uncertain , deserve the notice of the traveller , because they are the only records of a nation that has no historians , and afford the most genuine representation of the life and character of the ancient Highlanders . ’
27 Catholic women are active in the life and mission of the Church in full-time pastoral work , in liturgical roles and ministries , with catechetical and theological responsibilities , in leadership in pastoral councils , to name only a few areas .
28 The task given to this group is to discover what is happening already to involve women more fully in the life and mission of the Church and to draw up some possible and practical steps by which the participation of women in the life of the Church can be developed .
29 What is the taboo on life and liveliness inside the family ?
30 SINCE Simone de Beauvoir 's death in 1986 , several biographical and critical studies have appeared that seek to reassess the life and works of the ‘ mother of modern feminism ’ .
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