Example sentences of "great [noun] [prep] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 One of the greatest sources of stress at work is relationships with other people — with superiors , with subordinates , with colleagues .
2 The salerooms have not seen such a fine private collection sold since the great suite of sales at Sotheby 's in the 1970s ( the William Goodwin Renwick collection from America , arms released from the Saxon Royal Armouries at Dresden , and the smaller but comparable Gewehrkammer of the Counts von Giech ) .
3 ‘ The new pattern introductions for Autumn 1993 created a great deal of excitement at the show , especially Hopscotch , Aquabatic , and Hyde Park in the new fine china collection , ’ said Tom .
4 Oxford Polytechnic 's interpretation of modular structure is analogous to a federal state , with a great deal of diversity at the subject-based periphery , and a great deal of uniformity at the administration-based centre .
5 The advantage of this is that there is now a great deal of choice at competitive prices .
6 Caring for him became an almost full-time job because he could do so little for himself ; and it was difficult for Mary and Jim to go out together , especially as her father grew less able to get around , and he needed a great deal of help at home .
7 Today 's highly competitive business world requires a great deal of capital at the lowest possible cost .
8 He added : ‘ I 'm bowling without a great deal of luck at the moment but I feel good about my game . ’
9 There has , quite rightly , been a great deal of discussion at this conference about the opportunities and threats presented by the new media .
10 The City was beginning to wake up to the fact that the Labour movement , all told , had a great deal of money at its disposal — especially in the pension funds of Labour-controlled local authorities .
11 ‘ And there 's a very great deal of money at stake here . ’
12 She wore a great deal of make-up at all times , but that day , perhaps just as primitive man might have painted his face as a protection , she was garnished with particularly bright eye colours and lipstick , so that it was a little garish mask staring at the two policemen .
13 Irene is in a great deal of pain at the moment her bad back is giving her trouble and she finds it difficult to walk .
14 Soon this mood of despair evaporated under the influence of serene letters from Helen , who flourished among the intimate circle of artistic Bohemian young people — including the poet Charles Dalmon and the actor Franklin Dyall — who lived in Hammersmith and spent a great deal of time at Mrs Logan 's large house which had been furnished and decorated in William Morris style .
15 The secondary school to which they went on would then have an accurate record of what they could do , and could save a great deal of time at present wasted in the transition from one school to another .
16 The the erm a great deal of time at that enquiry was taken up with the alternative sites proposed by the Council erm and their suitability in relation to the .
17 Oxford Polytechnic 's interpretation of modular structure is analogous to a federal state , with a great deal of diversity at the subject-based periphery , and a great deal of uniformity at the administration-based centre .
18 Agreeing to the move , Lord Justice Glidewell said he was ‘ very conscious that there is a great deal of mistrust at the moment ’ .
19 There is a great deal of interest at present in developing hashing algorithms for files that may vary in size .
20 Through his binoculars he made out Belpan 's one patrol boat with a great vee of spray at its bows .
21 I could hardly conceive what it must be like in winter : the incessant darkness ; the piercing cold when the spray froze as it hit the deck and formed great blocks of ice at the bows ; howling gales and never-ending work ; then a few days in port and out to sea again , week after week , month after month .
22 The computer can produce great volumes of rubbish at incredible speed .
23 ‘ I always got a great service from Andy at Wigan .
24 Let's have a word Colin shall we about er Saturday 's display , er get your thoughts together on that and w we 'll enjoy the goals from that er great victory against Palace at Lane when er Notts fought their way back from being two down against the team that were second in the table , great fight back .
25 We 're progressing at great rate of knots at the moment .
26 Then I played a trick on Michael , who was a great chatter-up of girls at that time , and told him this person in costume was very keen on him , so he began to chat him up .
27 Knox recounts how they piled up a great heap of stones at the place of martyrdom , and no matter that the priests had them removed , and threatened excommunication , they were always replaced , until one night the papists found the permanent solution , taking them away to build into walls .
28 Had he persevered in that with which he was occupied , he would have produced great works in ilm at which the learned would have stood in awe " ; while Hocazade himself , in a comment on his own career overheard by Taskopruzade 's father , acknowledges Seyyid Serif to be his master but goes on to say : " He had a true zeal [ for with which neither ill-health nor offices alien [ to interfered .
29 The incident has caused great concern among officers at Bullingdon .
30 There was great loyalty among staff at GWR and that continues today .
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