Example sentences of "government ['s] [noun pl] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Faced with the intense competition of foreign trade competitors , employers resorted to attempts to reduce monetary wages , an action which was given an additional downward twist by the Baldwin government 's decisions to return to the gold standard and to reflate the pound in 1925 .
2 The wartime machinery of industrial relations still survived — particularly the Whitley Councils which had been competitors , employers resorted to attempts to reduce monetary wages , an action which was given an additional downward twist by the Baldwin government 's decisions to return to the gold standard and to reflate the pound in 1925 .
3 Will he instruct his Ministers to stop trying to bribe and blackmail the United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service , which does not wish to collude in the Government 's plans to pander to Essex man by restricting the longstanding traditional rights of people fleeing violence and persecution to seek refuge in this country ?
4 The government 's aims according to Klaus would be to minimize the decline in economic growth , limit inflation , and stabilize the level of foreign debt .
5 It is to be regretted that many of the Government 's measures relating to its asylum policy introduced in the past few years , have been to discourage new arrivals .
6 This is because the government 's objectives relate to the welfare of New Zealanders rather than making a profit .
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