Example sentences of "government [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 [ For government decision on issue in September 1991 see p. 38447 . ]
2 Since the government decision in favour of the THORP development , Sellafield and its operations have been the subject of regular protests , many of them organized by the local group Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment .
3 The announcement follows in the wake of a government decision in principle in June to provide protection to 20 sites of national importance whose survival is threatened by urban and tourist development .
4 It seems likely therefore , because of widespread dissatisfaction within the academic community , that the whole area of Government funding for research in the United Kingdom will require fundamental changes in the way in which research is assessed and administered .
5 Although it is clear that most of these groups were not representative they were instrumental in directing government funding to projects of limited use to the majority of residents , ‘ neighbourhood stabilisation ’ apart .
6 In recent years there has been a major media hype about the supposed increase of government funding of initiatives in West Belfast .
7 They travelled by Government steam-packet from Falmouth to Marseilles , thereafter entrusting themselves to the French conveyances .
8 Long failed to persuade the richer boroughs and the Cabinet to include a degree of late equalization in the Act which was , however , important as an admission of government responsibility for relief to the unemployed .
9 There was a reaction against ( Conservative ) government unpreparedness for war in the 1930s and against those who had not done more to solve the nation 's problems during the Depression .
10 ‘ Clients were not adequately informed about the permanent nature of the operation in over 40% of the centres ’ Joint World Bank , WHO , SIDA , Government review of sterilisation in Bangladesh , 1983
11 If you are undecided whether to apply , you may visit a Government Department during vacation in order to see what goes on , your reasonable expenses being refunded .
12 He fought for a local government seat in Islington in 1982 and gained Stockton south from the SDP in 1987 .
13 He fought a local government seat in Hexham in 1979 but was defeated .
14 I think the County Council looked at government guidance in relation to the need to protect and safeguard National Parks , greenbelt , high quality agricultural land , to the need to protect the countryside for its own sake .
15 In March 1991 his appearance on national television in support of government action against Shias in the south [ see pp. 38081-82 ] had shocked followers .
16 In a major government reorganization in Croatia on Aug. 1 Tudjman included opposition politicians for the first time in a new " government of democratic unity " which continued to be dominated by the Croatian Democratic Union ( HDZ ) with 11 out of 27 posts .
17 A pro-Yeltsin group established on June 6 , the People 's Patriotic Party of Russia , was based on the Union of Afghan Veterans ( soldiers in the Afghan war 1979-1989 ) and chaired by Aleksandr Kotenev , leader of the Union of Afghan Veterans and Russian government adviser on links with informal organizations .
18 The present position is especially unsatisfactory ; instability and uncertainty follow the imposition of a major government programme for education without adequate consultation and in the face of substantial calls for modification .
19 A Government programme of help for single mothers has not yet been drawn up , although church groups say they have centres ready to take in anyone needing help .
20 The government attitude towards protest among university students , towards press censorship , and the growing problem of unrest in Poland vacillated between firm repression and conciliation .
21 Lithuanian government proposal for suspension of independence declaration — Adoption by Supreme Council
22 Deriding the value of the committee of the regions , he tried to demolish Mr Salmond 's case for entering the Government lobby in exchange for SNP representation on the European committee , by repeating the comments he made on it when he was the party 's foreign affairs spokesman : ‘ I remember saying , with the approval of my leader , that it is merely an advisory body , advising another advisory body and has no powers of any kind . ’
23 GOVERNMENT compensation for victims of the BCCI scandal was virtually ruled out yesterday in spite of a highly critical report by MPs on the role of the Bank of England .
24 THERE will be no Government compensation for depositors of the collapsed Bank of Credit and Commerce International , the Chancellor , Norman Lamont , told MPs last night .
25 The draft produced by the CCA proposed the abolition of the Council of Ministers and the establishment of a government operating in accordance with the " premiership system " , under which the Prime Minister and individual ministers would have greatly enhanced powers .
26 For example , suppose a statute gives a minister two different but related powers ; suppose further that the statute provides that before the minister exercises power A , he or she must consider representations made by ‘ any person ’ , and that before the minister exercises power B he or she must consult a particular government body with responsibility for some relevant aspect of government policy .
27 It could be argued that these provisions would justify allowing any person to challenge exercises of power A , but also applying a more restrictive standing rule ( perhaps something like ‘ special interest ’ ) to challenges to exercises of power B on the ground that Parliament had intended the government body in question to be the prime guardian of the public interest in the exercise of power B.
28 In the first place , diplomatic and political history were regarded as the centre of the discipline — the transaction of government business from month to month and year to year so that , according to the progenitors of the new approach , one could be forgiven for thinking that the only Frenchmen who had lived were cabinet ministers .
29 ( Major had told the Commonwealth heads of government conference in Harare in October 1991 that the UK was prepared unilaterally to implement these terms , which envisaged writing off two-thirds of the export credits owed by the world 's poorest countries — see p. 38552 . )
30 More recent reviews suggest that the government prohibition of admissions to mental hospitals has , at least partially , succeeded in achieving the development of community services .
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