Example sentences of "part of [noun prp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such difficulty is compounded by the fact that Britten wrote the part of Grimes with Peter Pears in mind .
2 An earth tremor measuring 5.2 on the Richter Scale has shaken a large part of Britain including Oxfordshire , causing people to flee their homes as chimneys collapsed and windows cracked .
3 No distribution network in the world could have survived without damage the severe weather which struck that part of Britain in December 1990 , but the regional electricity company concerned , with help from other companies and from overseas , did what it could in the circumstances to connect those who were temporarily cut off .
4 From mid-July to the end of September 1940 , the Battle of Britain look place in the sky above that part of England within reach of German bomber and fighter planes .
5 Before the dropping of the atomic bombs , the Americans had feared that the Russians would not honour their pledge to join the war against the Japanese , and it is believed that the Allied forces were held back in Europe , so that the Russian troops could advance through the eastern part of Europe into Czechoslovakia .
6 MAY : Battle Festival — 10 days during latter part of May with music , art and drama .
7 Peveril as part of Kingston in Purbeck belonged to the Abbess of Shaftesbury .
8 For instance , because of a decision of some bureaucrat in Moscow , oil extracted in Sakhalin island in the Far East is transported through ten time-zones to the European part of Russia for consumption by local industry instead of being sold to Japan , located next door .
9 The joint chiefs held that General MacArthur should have sufficient resources to provide for the occupation of part of Korea in addition to his principal task of occupying Japan .
10 General Marshall and his colleagues in the joint chiefs of staff believed the United States must occupy at least part of Korea in order to increase American power in the postwar balance between American and Soviet interests in the Far East .
11 She wondered what he was doing in that part of Paris on foot .
12 ( 4 ) It shall be the task of the all-German legislator to introduce regulations no later than Dec. 31 , 1992 , which ensure better protection of unborn life and provide a better solution in conformity with the constitution of conflict situations faced by pregnant women — notably through legally guaranteed entitlements for women , first and foremost to advice and public support — than is the case in either part of Germany at present .
13 Memories of the country 's former sadness as a battlefield and burial ground make it depressing for many English ; Bernard and Laura , by contrast , conscious that both their fathers had fought in this part of France in World War I , found this link with their native country comforting .
14 The Department had long seen the field as part of Ninian for taxation purposes until this break-through .
15 Early in 1828 , Russia acquired part of Armenia from Turkey , also the province of Azerbaijan from Persia .
16 Previously , he worked with Elida Gibbs , part of Unilever in North West London .
17 They are found in the most remote part of Indonesia at Irian Jaya where the renowned anthropologist Michael Rockefeller disappeared in the early sixties .
18 The economic performance of the two are divergent , they have a different set of problems and the linking of part of Plymouth with Cornwall creates a wholly artificial unit unrelated to geographical , social or economic reality .
19 Results showed that 95 per cent of the registered electorate of 193,800 went to the polls and that 90 per cent of these voted " to remain part of Yugoslavia with Serbia and Montenegro and others who want to preserve Yugoslavia " .
20 Then I spent three years there and it was only three weeks after I 'd left that I was offered the part of Russell in Butterflies .
21 Such an approach represents a deliberate self-limiting on the part of God in order to speak in understandable terms and with perceived relevance on the part of the hearer .
22 From this community they have spread out and have now become a part of LE for adolescents and children of all races , though perhaps ( no research has been done to my knowledge ) only in areas where there is significant contact between the black and white communities .
23 There were persistent allegations on UNITA 's radio service in the early part of June of attacks on UNITA officials and supporters .
24 Anton Lesser attacks the part of Petruchio with gusto , wielding chairs against his adversary with the ease of a professional lion tamer .
25 When I got the part of Rachael in Bread back in ‘ 89 I thought ‘ this is it ’ .
26 If , notwithstanding the above provisions , there shall be liability on the part of DW/LD by virtue of this Agreement , or because of the relation hereby established , whether due to negligence or otherwise , such liability is and shall be limited to a sum equal to the payment for the Program which sum shall be paid and received as liquidated damages , and not as penalty and this liability shall be complete and exclusive .
27 Is it true that before singing in Suede , Brett played the part of Jill in Eastenders ?
28 Now the political consequences have spilled over into Belorussia , and especially into the Gomel area , the part of Belorussia nearest Chernobyl .
29 It will become part of UnixWare as part of the commitment to COSE .
30 YOU could n't conceivably have two carriage processions coming from different parts of London to Westminster Abbey for the coronation and then going separate ways .
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