Example sentences of "part [prep] the [adj] world " in BNC.

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1 So good can the simulation be that the player handling the joystick receives a powerful illusion that he himself is part of the counterfeit world .
2 It is the first drop of a deluge of such material , which makes social life in Egypt in the centuries after Alexander better known to us than any other part of the ancient world .
3 Slowly , however , the Romans had to learn to govern Celts , and this became an even more pressing responsibility when Spain was organized in two provinces in 197 B.C. For three centuries the Romans were steadily engaged — among their multifarious commitments — in annexing territories which were partially or totally Celtic until they came to control the greater part of the Celtic-speaking world .
4 W. Russell Brain has said : ‘ The surface of the body is a frontier which is perceived from both sides , by vision as part of the external world and from within by the various forms of cutaneous sensibility . ’
5 Winnicott observed that such ‘ transitional objects ’ were important , precisely because they may appear to the infant as not fully part of the external world , and therefore not entirely separate from the child 's own body .
6 The Spanish empire was still pre-eminent , it covered the larger part of the New World , and extended to the Philippines in the Pacific .
7 The result was that they could almost be read as things more real than the things they qualified , a pattern of eternal forms from another world , not part of the solid world of cabbages and pears — yellow and violet , blue and orange , red and green .
8 They used the Latin script , and they had been part of the western world from the time of the Roman Empire .
9 Education is no less and no more a part of the real world than any other activity , just as mountains are as characteristic of the physical world as are plains , lakes and deserts .
10 It 's out with the old hairdressers , the cliff-edge guitar posturing , the in-stadium clips of religious fandemonium , and in with pumpingpop bass-lines , strutting down mean urban streets and becoming part of the real world .
11 Thus we fabricate a deeper sense of being red in which an object is red only if it is red in a stable fashion in the perceptual fields of all observers and which is therefore treated as part of the real world which exists independently of us .
12 Thus it can represent that part of the real world that was modelled in the data analysis process .
13 ‘ It 's really easy to believe , here , that we are n't a part of the real world , is n't it ? ’
14 Not part of the real world ?
15 Albania , however , definitely is a part of the developing world in the middle of Europe and it is difficult not to compare Albania with my previous experiences in Africa .
16 Gordon was to be a key element in Profumo 's downfall , the event that dragged the Conservatives into an unwelcome part of the modern world .
17 ‘ Why do Americans always think theirs is the only country that 's part of the modern world ? ’
18 With this thumbs-down from a part of the financial world whose support was expected , Thornton was losing his ‘ window of opportunity ’ argument .
19 Though its ruler , Nasr-ed-Din Shah , visited Europe several times from the early 1870s onwards , and also established diplomatic representatives there , until the end of the nineteenth century Persia was not really part of the contemporary world .
20 Indeed , it may be argued that the current wave of ethnic or mini-ethnic agitations is a response to the overwhelmingly non-national and non-nationalist principles of state formation in the greater part of the 20th-century world .
21 " Men actually exist " reveals nothing about who or what men are ; all it says is that men are not fictional , that they are part of the actual world .
22 Social stratification with a chief at the top is part of the outside world , not theirs .
23 This part of the Old World is known as the Badlands on account of it being dominated by interwarring Orc and Goblin tribes .
24 Patronage by the Church has been part of the musical world for centuries , and in the past many of the greatest composers have depended upon it for their livelihood .
25 In every part of the Civilised World
26 Presciently , he opined that " a great part of the civilised world will pass beneath this immense triumphal arch " .
27 The amount would be sufficient to rehabilitate a large part of the underdeveloped world .
28 It is our belief that given the deterrent , given the robust faith on the part of the free world in the strength of their institutions , and given continued growth of NATO 's defensive power , global war can be prevented .
29 Dick was part of the imaginary world of the thought-bubble .
30 If there is a common culture at all it is usually expressed as part of the public world of government and state .
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