Example sentences of "put her [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 To put her claim in drastically simplified terms , men base decisions on a form of blind justice : abstract , depersonalised reasoning procedures which apply the same rules in the same way to every case .
2 Capriati , the seventh seed , put her lenses in just five minutes before the start and went on to Madison Square Garden 's blue carpet to beat Sukova 7–6 , 6–1 to reach the quarter-finals .
3 He put the candle-holder down on it , then turned towards her , and before she could stop him he gave her a kiss so gentle that it hardly registered , and she stared at him , wide-eyed , put her hand to where he had saluted her , and said huskily , ‘ No , ’ although what she meant by that neither he nor she knew .
4 ‘ Found you 'd hung up and did n't put her receiver on properly , ’ suggested Iris .
5 Alyssia asked , puzzled , although she could not put her finger on why .
6 She telegraphed Anna to meet her , she could n't have put her hand on so much money on her own .
7 He was ashamed that his mother had so accurately put her finger on where he spent his nights .
8 Emma puts her hand through not one , but two windows as a form of protest .
9 She buys a refrigerator , plugs it in , and puts her food in there , and gets to some , maybe minus ten , or minus fifteen erm centigrade that way .
10 In her study My Mother My Self ( Fontana , £5.99 ) , psychologist Nancy Friday puts her finger on how I felt when she says that , at such a time , ‘ The new mother finds the need for her own mother increasing .
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