Example sentences of "put his [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Watching every movement , and she put him on and put his blanket on the ground and he was laying there in his handful of this and so she said come to me then and she put something on the floor she said well you know you go to it , I ai n't gon na give it to you and he 's she said well no , you 've got ta try !
2 He stopped and put his chains on the wheels , got off the motorway , started to put chains on the wheels .
3 She was rescued when the door behind her suddenly opened and one of the junior chemists put his head round the door .
4 And he came in and sat down and put his elbows on the edge of his tray and it all went whack over his blazer and it all slid down onto his trousers .
5 The dhāmi put his hand into the plate of rice , agitating the grains , stirring them round , picking them up , then letting them sift back through his fingers .
6 I cried for a long time when I saw that big dark hole in the ground , and we put his body in the grave .
7 According to Heseltine , ‘ virtually every colleague who attended the enlarged meeting and thus came fresh to the arguments supported me , despite the fact that Sir John Cuckney had been invited to put his views to the meeting ’ .
8 ‘ He has to put his proposals to the parties now , because he has made so many public comments about them that he has no other choice , ’ he said .
9 His left Achilles tendon became badly shortened , making it difficult for him to put his foot to the floor , and he had a strong positive supporting reaction in his foot .
10 But we want him to put his foot on the ball and try to weigh things up . ’
11 Howard would like to put his arms about the whole team , as they crowd round the journal , smelling of shirts , and squeeze them all , and fuse them into one perfect corporate human being .
12 He had a strong urge to put his arms round the man , and indeed was about to do so , when Malik thrust him away , sobbing .
13 Nah Wilko offloaded him cause Rocky knew which way to put his cashcard in the hole-int-wall implying he had a brain and there fore could think for himself — something Wilko do n't encourage .
14 No new offer was put at the meeting between management and the 25-strong shop stewards ' committee , called by Yarrow 's managing director and chief executive , Murray Easton , who wanted to put his case to the full committee .
15 The abbot of Conques travelled there with his knights and vassals , to put his case before the chosen arbitrator , a certain Bernard .
16 Lewis insisted that if he was crowned WBC champion by default he was ready to put his title on the line next spring against a British opponent — but it would n't be Frank Bruno .
17 Every holiday he 'd fly back to the Gulf to be with his family , to put his feet on the familiar sandy soil of his own land , and every holiday he 'd want me to go with him .
18 He asked the bishop to put his name on the list for an army chaplaincy .
19 Bateman was unable to put his name on the League scorers ' list in spite of 32 appearances but he did get an important goal for Palace that season .
20 However , because Mr Knight had resigned from the county council , the party refused to put his name on the list of nominees wanting to represent Harwich .
21 If so , you could be the accountant who so incensed wildlife artist Adrian Rigby that he felt compelled to put his feelings about the profession into paint .
22 On one occasion he announced to all those assembled at Apollo Place that he had had enough of life and went downstairs to put his head in the oven .
23 Amid opposition by Government whips to a private member 's bill tabled by John McFall ( Lab , Dumbarton ) , Tom Clarke , the shadow Scottish secretary , called on Mr Lang to put his weight behind the measure .
24 The semblance of UPH not owning it was created by allowing Smyth to put his nominees onto the board of Chestvale after he gave an undertaking to put the loan notes in place .
25 They then drew alongside him and told him again to put his hands on the handlebars .
26 Nolan 's method is to put his hands on the bare flesh at the point of the complaint for a minute or two .
27 Mr Reed then went on to put his arm around the ‘ feminist ’ author Miss Katherine ‘ Kate ’ Millet and embraced her , cheek to cheek .
28 If Australians , therefore , feel it is time to cut free from Britain constitutionally it is probably not before time — and who better to set the ball rolling than the man who provoked a diplomatic incident by daring to put his arm round the Queen during her visit last year ?
29 For an officer in Northern Nigeria to complain that his emir refused to take his advice was to put his career at the gravest possible risk ; he could expect in due course to be moved to ‘ easier work ’ — in other words , to administrative oblivion .
30 If the Bosnian Serbs decided to sign , Lord Owen would jump in a car , meet Mr Karadzic on the motorway , and get him to put his signature on the document , possibly in a toll booth .
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