Example sentences of "child who [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A child who suffers up to forty fits a day is baffling doctors , who say they do n't know what 's caused the little girl 's brain disorder .
2 A little while ago , not much more than a few days ago , I was a child who went about in a world of colours , of hard and tangible forms .
3 Also to , computer programmer , and wife , on the birth of their child who weighed in at 7lb 1½ oz on May 8 .
4 This is why a child who grows up in an atmosphere where artistic beauty is in evidence and talked about and striven after has an enormous advantage over the child from a background of visual ugliness in which people are innocent of any artistic discernment .
5 By all accounts Selina was a bright child who ended up as head girl of her secondary school in Guisborough near Middlesbrough .
6 and er I 've discussed this before and I 've come to the conclusion that these children who come along with Jehovah 's Witnesses knocking on your door they 're more affected than any child once a year practising whatever you like to call it Halloween or whatever .
7 Not a great deal is known about the numbers of these children who end up in remarriages , but Burgoyne and Clark ( 1982 ) estimate that 7 per cent of all children under 17 live with a step-parent .
8 He had started at the back of the good book and was perversely working his way towards Genesis , which meant that his eldest daughter was called Revelation Straker ; a young woman as pretty as her name , and as happy as all the other children who grew up under Bonefish 's skinny care .
9 Articles appeared in the press extolling the creativity of ‘ home-making ’ ; psychiatrists warned that children who grew up without their mother 's constant care and attention were seriously deprived and might well become delinquents .
10 It 's based on the short story by Henry James ; a young Governness arrives at a remote country house to look after 2 young children who turn out to be possessed by the ghosts of two dead servants .
11 The cartoon features a gang of street children who hang out in the town market — begging , stealing , doing odd jobs and just horsing around .
12 The cartoon features a gang of street children who hang out in the town market — begging , stealing , doing odd jobs and just horsing around .
13 In some areas technical and central schools also provided for children who stayed on beyond the leaving age of fourteen .
14 Outside , a camera-strapped tourist haggles before he hands over some notes for a photograph of a mother lost in a dome of ragged blankets and the two children who peep out behind her .
15 But I always think so many mums , dads and children who set off for work and school in the morning wo n't be coming back . ’
16 A policeman brought down two children who clambered on to the roof of a butcher 's shop in South Bank Road , Middlesbrough , at the weekend and could not get down .
17 We know that the syntactic rules of SSL turn up in their written Swedish and so by analogy , children who grow up with Signed Swedish should instead be influenced to use the correct word order .
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