Example sentences of "must be [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are more than 12 million pictures cataloguing what must be every major news story since the agency was set up in the 30's .
2 There must be no other court proceedings under way which might result in the end of your marriage .
3 Therefore there must be no automatic condemnation of their responses and actions , but there must also be no question of their being automatically right because they are recorded in writings designated ‘ holy ’ .
4 There must be no nice balancing of odds , the judge must come to the conclusion that such danger is real and appreciable with reference to the ordinary operation of law in the ordinary course of things , not a danger of an imaginary and insubstantial character , having reference to some extraordinary and barely possible contingency so improbable that no reasonable man would suffer it to influence his conduct .
5 there must be no net change of spin — i.e. Δ S = 0 .
6 To ensure that the spectators would be totally absorbed in these scenes , there must be no missing links or unexplained aspects of the story to act as distractions .
7 There must be no through traffic , yet .
8 It was the first time we 'd returned to any location and I thought it must be a good sign .
9 Bobbie Cole tells us she has pins and needles in her toes — must be a good sign .
10 If you are one of the comfort eaters and find that your mood patterns have a direct effect on your eating habits then it must be a good idea for your to examine just how the various moods you experience affect your eating habits .
11 Matt Hensley stays crouched low , so I figure it must be a good way to skate streets .
12 ‘ She must be a good friend , ’ said Charlie .
13 You must be a good organiser . ’
14 She closed the front door , and from her rocking walk Jess realized that one of her legs must be a good deal shorter than the other .
15 Seeing us working for what they thought must be a good cause , they said , they handed us considerable sums of money .
16 must be a good microphone stand surely ?
17 That must be a good start !
18 ‘ If he has n't contacted you there must be a good reason why not , ’ Julie had said firmly .
19 If the incipient spin has progressed for more than about half a turn because the pilot has kept the stick back , applying the full opposite rudder must be a good thing because it helps to stop the rotation and to even up the stalling of the wings .
20 If the pilot is aware that the glider is stalled , applying the opposite rudder at the same time as moving forwards on the stick should result in some reduction in the yawing movement towards the dropping wing , and therefore must be a good thing .
21 Anything which attempts to reverse this by bringing in unfamiliar work from the past which students have a positive motive for wanting to read must be a good thing , and strikes a blow against cultural amnesia .
22 If learning from experience can do that it must be a good thing !
23 On the assumption that this transfer represents better access of elderly people to the best of modern medicine and surgery , it must be a good thing .
24 I thought that must be a good thing .
25 We gain extra money , at no cost to you — so simple that it must be a good thing !
26 Stan Boardman , reckons the treaty must be a good thing for Bryant and May .
27 There must be a continuous flow of qualified people into every organisation that depends , even to a limited extent , on science .
28 support teachers , must be a familiar dilemma .
29 For others the harmony must be a perfect expression of their aesthetic aims , and must therefore be of a uniformly specific quality — delicate or strong , mellifluous or pungent , arid or sweet .
30 CPRE assistant secretary Andy Wilson says that as ADAS becomes a privatised agency ‘ there must be a firm recognition of the service 's public good function .
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