Example sentences of "must [be] [adj] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To take an example , within this scheme it might be said that computing facilities must be subject to constant returns to scale because a consortium of firms large enough to take advantage of the optimally sized computer could buy one and then time-share its facilities .
2 Road building proposals for sensitive areas such as Oxleas Wood and Twyford Down must be subject to full environmental assessment .
3 The regional affairs commissioner , Bruce Millan , also announced intentions to tighten up on the EC 's additionality principle — the rule that EC spending must be additional to planned national government spending .
4 Whereas biological control must be central to organic farming systems , the major potential application appears to be as a component of integrated farming systems which use limited amounts of chemical pesticides .
5 Attention has already been drawn to one of the objectives in establishing the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965 , which was the rapid publication of results of research in Scottish geology carried out in universities , so that this may account in part for the halving of the average delay period after 1965 , but subsequent reductions must be due to other factors .
6 Attention has already been drawn to one of the objectives in establishing the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965 , which was the rapid publication of results of research in Scottish geology carried out in universities , so that this may account in part for the halving of the average delay period after 1965 , but subsequent reductions must be due to other factors .
7 In addition , the differences we see between the rhythm measured normally and under constant routine conditions must be due to external causes ( rhythms in our life-style and environment ) .
8 Councils must be accountable to local people
9 Assignments must be relevant to current industry practices and should wherever appropriate relate to the individual students ' work places ; this applies particularly to the technical areas of food , beverage and accommodation operations/management .
10 We must be grateful to past landowners who planted in the knowledge that they would not see the results of their endeavours , but that successive generations would .
11 Does the Secretary of State accept that if local government is to be local , it is essential that we do not repeat the mistakes of the 1973-74 reorganisation and that any reorganisation must be acceptable to local people ?
12 One of Wyatt 's ‘ devices ’ are the writings by which he is known , and they too must be open to seasonal change as is fitting the conditions of survival .
13 Under the 1988 Act the following services must be open to competitive tender if the council wishes to permit its own service departments to participate :
14 Wheatstone 's work in telegraphy seemed to show that electricity travelled about as fast as light , and Faraday believed that it must go just as fast ; he also believed that gravity must be analogous to other attractive forces , and take time for its propagation , though there was no evidence for this .
15 The true citizen must be ‘ able to understand the interests of the community , must be able to subordinate his own will to the general will , must feel his responsibility to the community and be prepared to serve it by voting , working , or ( if need be ) fighting ’ .
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