Example sentences of "must [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I sometimes wonder what people must think to hear him haggling over a few dollars .
2 Yeah well by then you 'd , you 'd already messed him up , she must 've got him to sleep before she put him down in the cot did she ?
3 Certainly my personal reaction when hearing of the unexpected death of someone I know has always been , ‘ I must wait to have it confirmed in some sort of irrevocable way because I 'm sure I must have got it wrong ’ .
4 Algy must remember to ask you to come next time I give a little party for her .
5 Your issue concentrated too much on women deploring male violence : if men are to become less violent , women must stop requiring them to enslave themselves to the industrial machine in order to support a family .
6 We must try to help ourselves to come to terms with the changes in farming , but if the present position persists , farmers in rural areas will not be seen to be working in line with the avowed aim of my right hon. Friend the Minister of a good environmental policy mixed with good farming .
7 When a horse is shy of any object , and reluctant to approach it , the rider must try to make him feel that there is nothing terrible in it , especially to a horse of spirit ; but if he can not succeed , the rider must himself touch that which appears so alarming , and lead the horse up gently to it .
8 Of course , you can not hope to provide them with everything they need , but you must try to provide something to encourage them to come to your microhabitat .
9 ‘ But they must try to get themselves sorted out to the extent they have at least a working relationship .
10 You must have heard me say them .
11 But she must have heard me say so , because at seven she came down and said she 'd overlooked this marvellous Stockhausen concert on Two — well , I just put on my coat and flung out of the house …
12 and this that and the other but people must have heard what went on and and you know the next morning they 'd see a black eye and just carry out a normal conversation as though
13 He must have heard what happened because he never came back .
14 Somebody 'll come in a minute ; they must have heard us come in . ’
15 They must have felt they had secured his future when a Treasury pension of £50 per annum was obtained for him in April 1766 , but his letters continue to reveal his financial anxiety .
16 Married to a sickly wife , then having to cope as a widower with a daughter who suffered fits frequently , finding work difficult to obtain , Thomas Titford must have felt he had enough crosses to bear for one lifetime .
17 The English pundit , John Reason , hardly gives the impression that endearing himself to Scots is high among his priorities , but many surely enjoyed his observation that , by the time Dume had peeled away the last player obscuring his verdict , Turnbull must have felt he had been down there longer than Tutankhamen .
18 That comes from Milton 's Latin Treaties on Christian Doctrine , and you can see he certainly must have felt he 'd found his subject .
19 ‘ There 's already one Banks Island just north of Australia , but Cook must have liked him to name another after him . ’
20 ‘ But they must have realised something had been going on ? ’
21 ‘ There is no doubt , the prosecution suggests , that this young defendant must have realised what had happened , but witnesses saw him accelerate away . ’
22 You must have realised we do have them . ’
23 He must have realised he has a tail … ’
24 He must have realised you did n't know about Paul and he was n't prepared to blacken my name in any way . ’
25 She maintains the " only " thing she did on business while in hospital was answer letters , which , given the number she received , must have kept her occupied for a fair portion of the day .
26 A savage anger rose , but she must have kept it hidden , because Giles did n't appear to notice anything wrong .
27 June must have noticed me staring at her .
28 Unable to imagine anyone travelling for pleasure , or out of curiosity , they assumed that the king of England must have sent her to discover and redress their grievances .
29 After all , something must have made me do it , pointless and unjustified as it seemed now ; perhaps if I went over it all again carefully , I could find out that the truth did n't condemn me out of hand .
30 The physical contact which He must have had with them when reclining at table ( compare John 13:25 ) and which He obviously never dreamed of disallowing ( Luke 7:38 , 39 ) must have made them feel clean and acceptable ’ ( Nolan 1976:39 ) .
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