Example sentences of "must [be] [adv] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Oh it must be over by Caulfield way is it ?
2 They had never heard of England , but thought it must be somewhere near Cairo .
3 Temporarily transformed into an ass , with Titania drugged into loving his new shape ( Apuleius ' Golden Ass must be somewhere in Shakespeare 's mental world ) , Bottom persists in the good-humoured prose of l'homme moyen sensuel , utterly oblivious to the fact that the Queen of the fairies is in an erotic tizzy over him .
4 We must be well past Malmesbury by this time , Isabel thought .
5 Floats it in towards Kennedy the chance must be here for Ray it 's there and it 's Kennedy .
6 Johnston 's ex-Rangers pals — six are named in the party — are likely to take advantage , but the proviso is they must be back at Motherwell by 2.30pm on Sunday to work off their excesses .
7 ‘ Tomorrow morning I must be back in Paris . ’
8 Erm , and I 've just asked John , so I must be now with , no I 've just asked Kim , so I must be now with Philip .
9 Erm , we 've just asked John so we must be now with Kim , are we ?
10 There must be more in Cairo under ‘ sequestration ’ .
11 Come , Aycliffe , we must be off to Cheshire at once . ’
12 Applications must be in by December 11 .
13 Entries must be in by January 14 , when the first 24 cards drawn from the hat will be the winners .
14 Applications must be in by February 22 .
15 Entries must be in by March 16 .
16 Entries must be in by May 2 .
17 Application forms must be in by Monday December 11 .
18 READERS ’ PAGE : Entries for the next Readers ' Page must be in by June 1 .
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