Example sentences of "must [adv] be look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bentley customers are younger but no less affluent than typical Rolls-Royce buyers ; they must presumably be looked upon as good investments because they are more likely to make a repeat purchase than their Rolls-Royce counterparts .
2 We are all like pictures that must not be looked at too near . ’
3 Whilst the cost of unemployment in terms of human misery and risk of social unrest must be considerable , the attempt to seek a remedy must not be looked at as merely a social gesture .
4 These two sets of rules , though distinct , must not be looked upon as two co-ordinate and independent systems .
5 or what must not be looked upon .
6 So strong was the fear that a " united front from above " would reflect credit on the ILP that Communists were warned that " the ILP must not be looked upon as a potential ally of the CP . "
7 Finally , it should be remembered that in looking for linguistically significant aspects of speech we must always be looking for contrasts ; one of the most important things about any unit of phonology or grammar is the set of items it contrasts with .
8 This distinction between the roles in a drama and the actors who play the roles corresponds to the fact that the data of field research must always be looked at in two dimensions .
9 The occupier must also be looked at .
10 The discharge of the basic obligations under the contract , relating to delivery , passing of risk and property , and payment , are partly a matter for negotiation between the parties ( although the SGA provides guidelines ) but must also be looked at in relation to s 3 of the UCTA , with its restrictions on clauses excluding liability for breach .
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