Example sentences of "must [verb] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 experts now believe you must think in terms of how much you need to produce .
2 ‘ We must think in terms of corporate reporting rather than just financial statement , ’ said the Governor .
3 Clearly we must think in terms of changes in state of complex systems , of transitions involving various types of ‘ catastrophe ’ ( in the sense of Rene/ Thom ) .
4 It 's quite obvious as regards the longer-term that we must think in terms of today 's starting point , we ca n't just introduce the market and cease all state regulation .
5 If one can not , then one must think in terms of cost efficiency to compete with homogeneous products , whatever one 's current differentiated position .
6 He must think in terms of thousand upon thousand of repetitions when practising a particular kata , for only through constant repetition will he be able to master the basic fighting movements and to achieve the physical and spiritual sensitivity that lies at the heart of the martial arts .
7 Whether you are designing a kitchen from scratch or updating an old one you must think in terms of priorities , define your most pressing needs , and start from there .
8 However , when someone leaves the United Kingdom one must think in terms of both rules .
9 GOVERNMENT must act on quotas for suckler cows and breeding ewes which threaten the future of the landlord tenant system , the Scottish Landowners ' Federation claimed yesterday .
10 Thus while the district councils are responsible for development control , they must act within guidelines for zoning and land use established by the county .
11 The diploma ( at an examining fee of three guineas ) was , Coleman claimed , signed by people known to all Europe , and this would undoubtedly carry great weight in the country town in which the qualifying student might go to practise ; local medical men would see that the certificate must refer to men with whom they might safely associate .
12 If the law is to recognise the significance of the individual 's physical integrity , then it must provide for offences of this kind even if some of the conduct falling within the definition of the offence is properly kept out of the courts by prosecutorial discretion .
13 Part One examines the services which local authorities must provide for children in need .
14 Any election rules must provide for elections to be by STV and secret ballot .
15 Their economic conditions are essentially similar — in that they are deprived of the wherewithal to produce on their own account and so must work under others for wages and their interests are ultimately antagonistic to those of their employers .
16 In the transcendent world , there are new laws and men must discard their habitual ideas of what is right and what is wrong ; in fact to see the utmost beauty we must look at things with the eyes of a child .
17 We must look at things in a new way , and from the wrong angle so that they are distorted and transformed .
18 We must look at flowers with a new intensity and from different angles for the flowers when looked at thus can themselves inspire the observer .
19 The function of literature being primarily aesthetic , we must search for explanations of stylistic value — Of why this linguistic choice is made rather than that in terms of considerations internal to the work itself .
20 Having said that , I must apologise to members of the Midlands and Southern Divisions for not being able to ‘ land on their patch ’ .
21 Communication of related ideas must flow on lines of proved techniques ; there must be adequate links between the constituent parts .
22 To such authors and their magazine reviewers , so wrong-headed an assumption must stem from defects in the thought — and perhaps also the character — of testers .
23 In considering such arrangements , we can not stick at simple legal considerations ; we must move from questions of ‘ freedom from ’ to questions of ‘ ability to ’ .
24 Music is emotion , and musical forms , however free , must move in waves of emotion .
25 The council has been involved in a separate row over Bellarmine because it is insisting that staff must apply for jobs at the school to which their pupils would transfer .
26 Official modes , such as the diplomatic channel , are more likely to be associated with communications which must pass between officials in the two countries , whilst the postal channel may be more appropriate for communications between huissiers or directly to the defendant .
27 Mostly , they must rely on accidents of geography , notably inner-city concentration .
28 Since there is no pathophysiological marker for any of these syndromes we must rely on symptoms for their definition and classification .
29 We must distinguish between hierarchies of the branching type which in particular manifestations happen not to have branches , and hierarchies which can not branch .
30 Education for Sustainability must lead to changes in the value systems to which we are currently wedded if we are to build a more sustainable society .
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