Example sentences of "more [subord] [vb mod] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Over the subsequent period , however , the falling share was substantially more than would be expected simply as a result of peace-time adjustments — probably to the extent of between 20 and 30 per cent [ Fetherston et al. , 1977 ] .
2 Corrosion and metal attrition were little more than would be found in a five-or-ten year-old ship .
3 Such a quantity is lower than the amount that would be demanded by the representative individual but more than would be demanded by the representative individual .
4 We have raised the basic single person 's tax allowance by 27 per cent more than would be needed to keep pace with inflation .
5 ‘ That the architect of the ‘ cheerful ’ Cemetery Chapel at Woking [ Tite ] should bear a grudge against the architect of St. Giles 's , Camberwell , [ Scott ] is , perhaps , no more than might be expected from a spirit of professional rivalry degenerated into envy . ’
6 Moody and high-strung though Anne was by nature , the girls ' brief quarrels were no more than might be expected between any siblings .
7 Demand more than may be demanded by the compromising elements that exist among the Catholic leadership .
8 However , because of the low gravity of the Moon the compression inside it is also small , and the slight increase of density with depth is more than can be explained by the compression of a homogeneous material .
9 More than can be said for the lower one , he wrote .
10 'You look fresh as a daisy which is more than can be said for the rest of us. ’ said John .
11 Which is more than can be said , perhaps , for some of the offerings labelled Panto that are currently mopping up a lot of customers .
12 Simon thought it sensible and practical ‘ which is more than can be said for most of their gimmicks , but ’ he warned her , ‘ if they like it they 'll take it over as their own .
13 ‘ When it comes to the purity of our water , we have virtually no traces of bacteria in the finished product , which is more than can be said for some other Common Market countries , ’ Dr Derek Miller , assistant director of the soon-to-be-privatised Water Research Centre told the newspaper .
14 During the night Ham was in fine form , which is more than can be said for the Redstone rocket .
15 And this is more than can be said for the majority of other books which have exploited the same theme : that of man battling away , amid ignorance and fear , against some novel , lethal , unknown microorganism .
16 Its one saving grace is that it is water-tight , which is more than can be said for the tonneau cover .
17 Which is more than can be said for the Osborne creature 's genetic offering !
18 Which is more than can be said of the successors of the first Labour government , elected just when the Elmhirsts arrived at the bankrupt farms and derelict buildings of Dartington .
19 But I 'm all right — which is more than can be said for some . ’
20 This is more than can be said for the ever-decreasing Daily Mirror and Daily Express , both in terminal decline .
21 Which is more than can be said for the thousands of turkeys destined for the Christmas dinner table .
22 Which is more than can be said for the other engine .
23 Happily , the Edwardians had considerable good taste , which is more than can be said for some of the awful designs of the late fifties which were in vogue during the transition from more traditional styles .
24 Which is more than can be said , it seems , for artists .
25 Which , I stress , is more than can be said for the one hit wonders of the '90s , which sound more like nursery rhymes than anything else .
26 Which is more than can be said for the album sleeve of the new ACR album , which has caused unheard-of dissent at the offices of British Coal who claim that the artwork looks too much for comfort like the British Rail Freight logo and are threatening legal action .
27 ‘ I do n't want to work for you , I 'm employed very nicely working for myself and the name of Morgan is respected already in town , which is more than can be said for that of the Grenfells . ’
28 Which is more than can be said for the Ferrets opposite .
29 Like SuperCalc these are n't pictorial in content , but at least the shadowed button look makes them appear as if you should click then with a mouse — which is more than can be said for either of the other two packages .
30 The proposal does fit the situation — which is more than can be said for the compromise approach .
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