Example sentences of "still to be find [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These names are still to be found on prestigious labels on madeira wine bottles .
2 In recent years he has been closely associated with Hildegard Fritz-Denneville Fine Arts Ltd in Bond Street where his knowledge and connoisseurship are greatly valued and he is still to be found on weekdays in the gallery 's offices .
3 All of Ptolemy 's original groups are still to be found on our maps , though their boundaries have been modified in many cases .
4 There were still to be found on the roads a vagrant population of Celtic wanderers from Scotland or Ireland , and those who followed the travelling occupations like chapmen , pedlars and itinerant entertainers , as well as the true travelling people , the gypsies and tinkers .
5 Buyers had still to be found for the other two shipyards .
6 Nineteenth-century specialist François Perreau-Saussine of Galerie du Carrousel has dropped in , together with Nicolas Joly from Galerie Yves Mikaeloff who is presenting ten pre-cubist and cubist drawings by Andre Mare alongside seventeenth- and eighteenth-century works , including an early La Hyre and one of the few Nicolas Mignards still to be found outside the Louvre .
7 a rigorous attempt to Think the limits of that principle of reason which has shaped the emergence of Western philosophy , science and technology at large … the activity of deconstruction is strictly inconceivable outside the tradition of enlightened rational critique whose classic formulations are still to be found in Kant ( Norris 's italics ) .
8 Such frightened insolence about Americans is still to be found in England , and among what the English regard as their intellectual and artistic elite .
9 This tradition stressed how true Germanic society was still to be found in the organization of ancient local communities .
10 The clearest general account of the legal rights or ‘ entitlements ’ of citizenship is still to be found in T. H. Marshall 's Citizenship and Social Class , published in 1950 .
11 The converse of the one-man system — used in some of the old county libraries , and still to be found in some authorities today — is for librarians at service points to be given virtually complete control of selection for their own stock .
12 Some of the less trampled beaches have an interesting flora , the seeds of which now provide a food supply for some of the largest wintering finch flocks still to be found in the county .
13 and is still to be found in all races throughout the world .
14 This combination is still to be found in his letters as archbishop , especially in his letters to small communities of nuns .
15 Much of Piffetti 's work is still to be found in the royal palaces of Turin , but several superb pieces , including two exquisite pedestals , drifted off to the Quirinal in Rome , and an altar-frontal of unbelievable complexity is in the Vatican .
16 The idea of a naturalistic ethics was born of a deeply teleological outlook , and its best expression , in many ways , is still to be found in Aristotle 's philosophy , a philosophy according to which there is inherent in each natural kind of thing an appropriate way for things of that kind to behave .
17 In Canada , although there are few opportunities for training outside the big city , high standards of worship and music are still to be found in places .
18 The Romans found the Dalmatian environment congenial , and the traces of their colonisation are still to be found in coastal cities such as Zadar , Šibenik and , above all , Split .
19 It is still to be found in the rhetoric of ministers ' speeches and circulars .
20 A good general introduction to polymers is the book by Young ( 1981 ) but the most comprehensive account is still to be found in Flory ( 1953 ) .
21 The Hawaiian endemic bird pollinators of Freycinetia arborea ( Pandanaceae ) have died out , but the plant 's pollen is still to be found in the head feathers of museum specimens .
22 Although sale of manatee meat is against the law , it is still to be found in markets .
23 Another group whose origins and way of life marked them out from the Serbs were the gypsies ( cigani or romi ) who are still to be found throughout Serbia and Macedonia .
24 Plainly , rock'n'roll is a durable item , and after 40 years , Big Fun is still to be found within this excellent medium .
25 In the early 1950s an English visitor to Russia observed that beggars were still to be found around the terminals of Moscow , ‘ often young men with one or more limbs missing ’ .
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