Example sentences of "last [noun sg] and i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We did all right until we got to the last bit and I got my foot caught in Otley 's pocket when he tried to bend down , he fell and flung me over his head knocking my wig skew-whiff .
2 She 's talked about it every day since last winter and I 've listened .
3 ‘ I was in the lead at Carrowdore Village on the last lap and I thought that Joey could n't possibly catch me .
4 It is many years since my last confession and I confess in the face of God and in the hope of his divine mercy at the imminent approach of death . ’
5 for the ne , in time for the next meeting , erm there was , what 's full name for er not sending in a return or couple of returns erm at the last meeting and I 've dealt with that and sent them off , have they sent you anything else ?
6 I had the go-ahead last week-end and I interviewed the fourth applicant this morning .
7 My last chance and I 've made a mess of it .
8 Anyway , tomorrow is the last day and I do n't care
9 We had an orgy last night and I 've got a bit of a headache today , I 'm going to have a lie down in a minute .
10 You were n't here last night and I 've forgotten , were you ?
11 Or ‘ I had a binge last night and I 've no excuse , except that I 've got a terrible hangover this morning and I 'll try again tomorrow . ’
12 Come over the road with me , it 's your last night and I 've decided that I must show you my garden . ’
13 I , I slept very badly on Sunday night but I slept much better last night and I woke up early , if I go to sleep early , wer , a , I wake up early
14 I was out with erm an nephew la last night and I mean it was n't icy but it was sort of getting late and it was cold .
15 ‘ I did n't get much sleep last night and I came out pretty groggy .
16 Clayton home late last night and I thought he must be taking Lorraine home .
17 with you last night and I thought oh , after that poor old pensioner .
18 Yeah I put it in me pocket last night and I thought right I 'll give her her two P and I bet your life she says what about other one .
19 Saw that Joe verses the Volcano last night and I thought it was absolutely fucking shit mind you was , huh
20 Not just on my own he just said that , it was a bit bad cos I , I said to him , you know , who 's going and he listed like er reeled off , I ca n't remember , reeled off a load of blokes yes last night and I said are there any girls going and he said well I 'll see if I can get Laura and Giles to come and I said yeah I feel much better about that , you know , whatever and then today he said erm look ca n't go and was a real , I du n no he 's got something and he 's usually like the real medium and he , you know , if there 's e if there 's ever like a pregnant pause then he 's the one that like keeps it all going
21 ‘ She cried all last night and I did not get much sleep either .
22 I read the Bentley brochure last night and I reckon it is tempting fate to begin by mentioning one of W O Bentley 's habits .
23 ( I read Matthew 's Sura 's piece last month and I thought he caught you bang to rights . )
24 On news mobility , I had a copy of that last month and I 've ordered twenty on each publication .
25 And say he 's round about the fortyish age and we spoke to him last week and I said you got a job yet ?
26 sixty years , I wrote to her last week and I had a letter from her the week before
27 Took it in part exchange last week and I 've got a buyer coming Wednesday so I want it back in one piece .
28 Everybody went last week and I got it , did n't I ?
29 Cos I did that last week and I got rid it and I ca n't remember how !
30 ‘ Then we had a chat on the phone last week and I told Nigel it would be a new adventure for him if he joined our team and that we are all looking forward to his racing in America .
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