Example sentences of "tell [pers pn] [conj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sir Reginald told me that on the night before U Saw went to London in the hopes of getting a promise of some kind of independence for Burma from Winston Churchill in return for full co-operation in the war , he had warned U Saw that the hopes of success were very slender .
2 A Chinese social scientist studying student behaviour told me that since the demonstrations at the end of 1986 , many had become less interested in education .
3 Then she told me that during the last winter , while I was in Sweden , my father had already had an attack , but they had not told me .
4 HARRY DEAN STANTON once told me that during the filming of 1984 's Paris , Texas , he wandered alone into the desert after a tiff with the director , Wim Wenders .
5 He told me that during the nine months he had been at the farm he and the others had noticed that the landscape had changed .
6 Polgar told me that in the early days of his marriage he examined the childhood of many famous persons and saw that geniuses all specialised in a field very early .
7 Later one of the gringos in the office told me that in the book of depositions , which began at the end of January , they were already ( in the second week of April ) at page 152 , with three entries per double page .
8 Major Roger Crees , the present clerk to the captains , told me that in the early days of the composite bow — which is made up of two or more materials glued together — the glues were not to be relied upon .
9 She told me that in the first dreadful night , when she and John stayed in the hospital , she had tried to soothe the time by the old paper game of making words out of words .
10 He told me that in the past insulin had been used to put people in coma states but he would n't dream of doing anything as crude or violent ; a silky drip of valium sedation was all that was required .
11 She told me that after the second , her son 's death , she was so angry with God that she refused to cry and found after her sister 's death , she was unable to .
12 For example , Government- or TANU- employed journalists who had given thought to the matter told me that within the provisions of the Arusha Declaration and its main socialist objectives there was a wide range of issues concerning implementation to discuss .
13 Although mainly a director of low budget productions , he told me that before the war he concerned it a poor year if he did not earn six thousand pounds , quite a sum for those days .
14 and I told you that from the minute he sat down and he started playing , I 'm a card shark , nobody tells me what I know about bloody cards
15 Likewise Churchill , who would have agreed with her sentiment when she told him that without the Board of Education , the Board of Trade was ‘ powerless ’ to make ‘ a better worker , a better man , or a better citizen of the young worker . ’
16 He received his certificate in July 1947 but the British coal industry had been nationalised in January of that year and his new bosses told him that in the changed circumstances they would not be able to carry out the undertaking he had been given .
17 I knew that Quechua , the lineal descendant of the Inca language , was spoken by the majority of the Peruvian Indians and told him that in the Gaelic-speaking parts of Scotland there were similar tensions .
18 One told him that in the residential sector , placing authorities are often the last to realise that client abuse is going on .
19 He told us that during the January ‘ freeze-up ’ there had been a great influx of shelduck .
20 The Consumer Credit Trade Association told us that in the experience of the smaller finance houses , chain stores and larger retailers who are members , this is clearly reducing payment problems ( thus making credit cheaper for their customers than it might otherwise be ) .
21 Yes , your worships I wonder if I may assist the court o on behalf of er M Mrs erm Mrs er has told me that she thought at the time of the incident again was in fact , nearer to five o'clock than than , than four thirty and she was driving from Billington towards Clitheroe she had come through the traffic lights at the bottom of Accrington Road in Worley and she was proceeding along King Street in Worley er , towards towards Clitheroe and sh she has told me that at the time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road and yo i in fact had that confirmed to you by er , my friend er the the traffic was sufficiently heavy that in fact , the the traffic travelling in the direction of Blackburn er was wai was backed up to the traffic lights as far as the zebra crossing and beyond it and so as Mrs erm was travelling towards Clitheroe her view of the children on the footpath at the opposite side of the road was obstructed by the cars that were er , travelling towards Blackburn .
22 ‘ You could have told me that at the very beginning , and put a stop to the whole thing right then .
23 ‘ You could 've told me that inside the room , not drag me out here , ’ Duncan replied , irritated by the policeman 's need for secrecy .
24 Rain felt a surge of annoyance : Shildon could have told her that on the telephone and not wasted part of her evening .
25 He might have told her that in the United States for over a decade now , the journals and magazines and guide-to-life books , aided and abetted by manufacturers , traders , and advertisers , had sung the song of the perfect home and the perfect homemaker .
26 The Keraing had told us that in the 1950s a military scouting party from Makassar had angered the village by entering the caves with special equipment and making off with a good deal of valuable porcelain — indicating it had also been used as a burial-chamber by early visiting Chinese mariners .
27 I 've enquired of the regular users of this service and they tell me that on the following days the advertised journeys did not take place :
28 It should come as no surprise then , if we tell you that over the last three years Florida has become one of our great Club 18–30 success stories , with thousands of club fans making the trip across the ‘ big pond ’ for their first stateside holiday .
29 The giant database operator is extremely unforthcoming , but it 's hard to keep these things quiet and our spies tell us that at the last count — which was about a year ago , it was a three-way split between IBM Corp , down to one 3090-300S and one 3090-200 , Amdahl Corp with a 5990-1400 and two 5990-1400As , and Hitachi Data Systems Inc with three EX/100s ; at the time , there were also 350 of IBM 's disgraced RT Unix boxes , and 21 IBM System/88 fault-tolerant machines .
30 Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt 's excellent book , The Bomber Command War Diaries tell us that on the night of 23/24 September Bomber Command for the first time concentrated its main bomber strength on one city — Berlin .
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