Example sentences of "tell [pron] [Wh adv] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 I told him how I could freeze my eidetic images , then project my phantom body into them , to discover things that I could not possibly have known .
2 Mark says , ‘ I 'd given my consent to AID but I could n't have told you how I might feel if Wendy did conceive .
3 But if you 're that clever , then , Master Fox , you tell me why I 'll not take you . ’
4 More importantly for for you is that would I be taking a hell of a chance in putting Patrick into selling advertising when the background there is is not necessarily there erm tell me why I should ?
5 Can you give me their names and tell me where I might find them ? ’
6 " Tell me where I can find the seneschal in all this racket . "
7 " Then tell me where I can find the seneschal . "
8 He said they 're gon na fetch it so you tell me where I can go and then I 'll make sure that the kids do n't go .
9 Please tell me how I can arrange my valuable wardrobe space so that I 'm able to get the most out of it ?
10 Tell me how I can make it up to her . ’
11 Tell me how I can help , and when the party is to be . ’
12 Now tell my why I should not have you killed or make you into slaves . ’
13 Tell you where I would n't mind going to have a look erm , Crystal
14 ‘ Okay , Bunny , do tell me why I should n't ask after Ken . ’
15 Please can you tell me where I may purchase some dog 's tooth violets .
16 ‘ I have a curiosity , small and bouncy swimmer — can you tell me where I 'll find Aurora and her Amazing Acrobats ?
17 ‘ Can you tell me where I can find Mrs Dorothy Fanshawe ? ’
18 ‘ Can you tell me where I can see about getting a bed ? ’
19 I would be grateful if you could tell me where I can get hold of such posters .
20 ‘ Can you tell me where I can get hold of Father Racy ? ’
21 ‘ Can you tell me where I can find him ? ’
22 ‘ Before you go , can you tell me where I can get supplies ?
23 CAN you please tell me where I can purchase a rubber sealing ring for a Tempo High dome Pressure Cooker , 10 inches in diameter .
24 He could hardly tap them on the arm and yell : ‘ Can you tell me where I could find a child prostitute ? ’
25 And if he ever decided to stay over when he had n't told me in advance , he 'd always ring and tell me where I could reach him .
26 Before I pay a lot of money to try and get this problem sorted out , maybe you can tell me how I might be able to control this problem .
27 " Do tell me how I can help you . "
28 ‘ Did he tell you why I 'd be coming ? ’
29 Perhaps they could tell him where I will be working . ’
30 ‘ He proceeded to spend four minutes telling me why I could n't have the job , and then said , ‘ I 'm sorry , my time is more or less up now ’ .
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