Example sentences of "three [noun] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the Cornish mines the tutworkers who opened up the ground usually worked eight-hour shifts , with three shifts over twenty-four hours known by the mid eighteenth century .
2 She had to try another three times over two days before she succeeded in talking her way in .
3 " We would not allow a farmer to stick something in a cow and chase it three times around five fields before it died " , Gummer said .
4 However , I could see his logic , which was that not only did it burn about three times as much wood as an enclosed stove but the draught from the chimney sucked up a considerable amount of the underfloor heating , and even though it cost us nothing , it was poor economics .
5 The study calculated that , compared to recycling , the production of new polyethylene bags requires three times as much energy , consumes eight times as much water , generates twice as much carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides and three times as much sulphur dioxide .
6 Went to look up her reading , they said had to pay I 've used three times as much gas as I did three times as much gas as I needed last time
7 Went to look up her reading , they said had to pay I 've used three times as much gas as I did three times as much gas as I needed last time
8 Those middle managers who are left are finding themselves with three times as much work to do as before , handicapped by depleted back-up resources .
9 And do you know , ’ he leaned across the table staring at me and tapping the open file softly with his huge fingers , ‘ if tomorrow I decide to release one of them , there will be over three times as much paper-work . ’
10 Research conducted in the United States discovered that for the top five executives from a sample of 50 of the largest companies three times as much income came from shares as from employment .
11 This reaction is more endothermic ( H = +49 kcal/mol ) but gives three times as much hydrogen .
12 You stand nearly three times as much chance of getting a police caution in Kent as you do in South Wales .
13 Fluorescent tubes give about three times as much light as a tungsten or incandescent ( normal everyday ) bulb .
14 The waste , to be dumped in July , will contain twice as much alpha radioactivity ( mostly plutonium ) and three times as much beta/gamma activity as was dumped last summer .
15 Peatbogs and the Greenhouse Effect , shows that the world 's peatlands are a major carbon store : covering 3 per cent of the land area they contain three times as much carbon as tropical rainforests , which cover nearly 6 per cent of the land area .
16 The study calculated that , compared to recycling , the production of new polyethylene bags requires three times as much energy , consumes eight times as much water , generates twice as much carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides and three times as much sulphur dioxide .
17 Wholemeal bread contains more nutrients than white bread and three times as much fibre , but this does n't mean white bread is bad for you ; it contains valuable protein , carbohydrate , calcium , iron and B vitamins , and some fibre .
18 ‘ I do n't mind more work , ’ Anna said , ‘ but I have to confess that my heart does rather quail and fail at the thought of three times as much French jacquard-weaving machinery specifications to translate as I have already . ’
19 About half ( 53.3% ) of the average English language news bulletin was concerned with Zambian affairs , but because there was three times as much news in English there was in fact twice as much Zambian news content in English in real terms .
20 In round terms the Greeks buy three times as many goods from the outside world as they manage to sell to it .
21 The survey showed that breeding had been so successful that there were now three times as many swans than at the last census , taken in 1983 .
22 There are thought to be about three times as many species of insect as of all other kinds of animal put together .
23 Volume users should pay 30% to 40% less than on analogue cellular , lower-volume users will get three times as many minutes for the same price as cellular .
24 There was a significant excess of subjects with acute on chronic gastritis in the miners ' group , and in addition , nearly three times as many miners had intestinal metaplasia in their gastric biopsy specimens .
25 Due to the way the data is stored , the dimensioning on the drawing usually creates between two and three times as many entities as are used in the original model .
26 Three times as many technicians , builders and electricians are trained in Germany as in Britain .
27 The fact that the USSR produces two to three times as many machine tools as the United States is not without significance .
28 Sometimes her common sense still told her it was nothing but an invention for dirtying three times as many dishes , this business of frying and parboiling , and moving things from plate to plate .
29 Approximately three times as many boys as girls take O level physics and approximately four times as many take CSE physics .
30 At A level , nearly three times as many boys as girls enter , and as at 16+ , a greater proportion of the boys who enter gain the top grades .
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