Example sentences of "down to [noun] [conj] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 And then of course er when I got to New York we were quite friendly with all the people on the boat you know that made great friends with some of them and er I had two or three places to go , I had spent a few days at the World Fair and then I flew down to Washington and er then I came back again .
2 When they was doing the decorating and that and a lock went wrong oh take it down to Dick and er they 'd bring it and whatever I was doing , however important it was , just because they 'd be finish the decorating at night and they wanted to put the lock back , I 'd drop what I was doing and do this for them .
3 Oh yes er I think somebody kept it around father 's day , a chap named , but it was a beautiful old place and he always , because my father always used to erm start off about seven o'clock in the morning to walk down to Walkers and er call in at the White Hart because they were open at six o'clock in the morning , for a rum and coffee for about tuppence or thruppence , then he always used to er go to his mother 's for his breakfast and er he used to go down and see all the men start off and then , then slip over to his mother 's , she lived on the Road and er she , for years and years this went on that he had his break he never had his breakfast at home he 'd start off going down there and come back to his mother 's , but he always stopped at the White Hart for his rum and coffee
4 because , you know , especially to people , and this is this is not talking down to people but er to somebody who does n't understand pensions or anything who
5 Should we be thrusting more work down to districts and th , and they 'll to do the job rather than always assume it should be done at this level ?
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