Example sentences of "down and [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The coffin had been fastened down and lay on trestles , honey-coloured in the slanting light , awaiting its removal .
2 And so Inchbad sat down and beamed at Fenella and said they would be interested to hear her stories and , at the same time , nodded to the waiting Fiachra Broadcrown to get the Fidchell squares ready for the Gnomes .
3 He put the magazine down and stared into space over my head , smiling wisely as I cleared my throat and flapped the hem of my dressing-gown as unobtrusively as I could .
4 Suddenly Brown Owl bent down and looked at Jane 's foot .
5 She put the goose down and looked at Nick .
6 She slipped the key into the lock and was about to turn it when she looked down and realised with surprise that the door was open .
7 Two days later a horse-and-cart pulled up in Page Street and an elderly man with a shock of ginger hair sticking out from both sides of his battered trilby stepped down and knocked at Aggie 's front door .
8 It got quite windy in the morning but he got his head down and played to par , not speaking hardly a word , even to me .
9 The pair then lay down and went to sleep !
10 I was so exhausted that I lay down and went to sleep .
11 I drank from the river and then lay down and went to sleep .
12 Then nothing else seemed about to happen , and she eventually calmed down and went to sleep .
13 I caught a bit of it on and we sat down and went to sleep .
14 What hitherto had been integrated plants in countries like the UK , carrying out complete manufacturing processes , are closed down and rationalized in order to manufacture products more cheaply from parts manufactured by workers divided between a number of countries .
15 Jess set the tankard down and began to unbutton his shirt .
16 I was beginning to think that the staring match would never stop when he suddenly sat down and began to finger some papers on the top of his desk .
17 It jumped the fence lower down and disappeared from sight .
18 Eventually we slowed down and stopped on Troutsdale Ward , a homely wing with about a dozen dear old ladies variously ambling around , or dozing in armchairs .
19 After listening to it on his headphones for a few minutes , Syrian George stopped the tape , looked Mikalis up and down and turned to Coleman .
20 A few minutes later he banged the receiver down and turned to Claudia , a heavy scowl on his face .
21 She looked at them for a moment with pleasure and then set the bucket down and turned to Murphy .
22 The plane come down and bursted into flames .
23 My husband 's always coming home and saying ‘ Oh I sat down and talked to so-and-so today ’ or ‘ we had a laugh today with so-and-so … ’
24 ‘ I 've got a dead white face , staring black eyes , stringy hair and I need a shave , ’ she announced in a rush , put the phone down and collapsed into gales of laughter .
25 The next time out with me he broke down and cried for Constance .
26 Henry is , or whether Mrs G. has presented you with a little Tasmanian , or likely to do so , a point upon which her mother is so exceedingly anxious that on finding it was not mentioned she sat down and cried with vexation . ’
27 Coal dust should be collected up into strong brown bags , dampened down and used as coal .
28 Even though Stevens still needed Dean for a couple more shots , the young punk put his foot down and tore along Highway 66 at 85 miles an hour , heading for a sports car race at Salinas .
29 We sat down and spoke about things that had happened .
30 At Blackberry Hill , I slowed down and explained to Werewolf how I guessed that Salome , coming the other way , down the hill , had been bumped into space .
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