Example sentences of "down [art] [noun] [conj] take " in BNC.

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1 Mr Maxmilian Frizzell had never read a book since leaving school and did not know who Lawrence was , so he put down the newspaper and took up the Car Dealer and Garageman with what dignity he could muster .
2 If pushed , it will reluctantly and rather crossly waddle down the beach and take refuge in the sea .
3 ‘ I climbed down the banking and took this photograph .
4 Then he put down the knife and took the sticky thing in his fingers and started very slowly to eat it .
5 Susan and I sauntered down the aisle and took seats a few rows back .
6 He set down the plate and taking a piece of newspaper out of his pocket wrapped the fat up and put it in his pocket .
7 When Lalage had gone out to her car , she put down a dog and took Andrew into her long arms .
8 Overall , the image gives a feel of the nature of diversification during development , since as a cell proceeds down a pathway and takes one of the branches , other pathways cease to be open to it .
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