Example sentences of "down [art] [noun] [conj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Travel — Holidays On The Move : On an old boat to Luxor Tom Pocock cruises down the Nile and finds himself becoming an Egyptologist in a matter of days
2 A short mile further on , the road passes over the stream , Ais Gill , issuing from the impressive limestone confines of White Kirk , hidden by the railway viaduct and unseen and unsuspected from the road which continues uneventfully down the valley and arrives at the compact little community of Outhgill .
3 Well if you have the footnote bible like I 've got here , you look down the bottom and speaks about those who are beggars , beggars for the spirit and just at the bottom of our road where we live er there 's a little area there which quite busy and er there 's a man who parades up and down there daily , he 's there nonstop every day of the week , you can go by there any time , any day and he 's there begging and he has no shame at all , and if you refuse him once he 'll catch you another day and he 'll ask you again , and you 'll see him there backwards and forwards and he 'll even when the traffic lights turn red
4 He 's so thick , you know he 'll say right I 'll go down the hold , I 'll do the humping , what they call humping , he 'll do that , loading these slings or bags , rather than him standing there and say well ten bags in that sling , put ten down , he could n't do that , so he 'd rather go down the hold that 's happened .
5 Their specification however , looks down the road and anticipates the need to provide for both Microsoft Corp NT interoperability and Windows NT SparcWare applications in future .
6 Solution then flows down the capillary and drains round the sides of the bulb back into D , but as no back pressure from the excess solution exists , the volume in D plays no part in determining the flow time t .
7 And your Mum ca n't afford toilet paper for her pussy , so when she slides down the banister and says like blurgh , la blah la blah loo !
8 Right hand puts down the pen and moves to the top drawer of the desk .
9 Get another Brownie to write down the dots and dashes you signal to see if you have done it right .
10 That 's right , the continual it 's this continual stuff running down the back that goes for it .
11 It crawls down the vine and enters the soil , whereupon it reaches and punctures the roots for nourishment .
12 If you need some creative inspiration — which direction to take in your career , which city to move to , how to tackle a relationship problem , where to go on holiday — then for a maximum of twenty minutes , scribble down every idea that comes into your head .
13 Then she has to stroke the horror away from me , like sluicing down a dog that 's come barking from a dirty river .
14 Overall , the image gives a feel of the nature of diversification during development , since as a cell proceeds down a pathway and takes one of the branches , other pathways cease to be open to it .
15 Players do not like setting down an instrument that has just become nicely warmed up , and taking up a cold one , unless there is a very good reason for it .
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