Example sentences of "down [art] [noun] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Melissa closed her eyes and gnawed her thumb as she struggled to nail down the clue that fluttered moth-like in her memory .
2 The events were over , but their impact shook Europe that year and echoed down the decade that followed .
3 He 's so thick , you know he 'll say right I 'll go down the hold , I 'll do the humping , what they call humping , he 'll do that , loading these slings or bags , rather than him standing there and say well ten bags in that sling , put ten down , he could n't do that , so he 'd rather go down the hold that 's happened .
4 He pulled down the wires that had let Jekub taste the electricity .
5 Willie Bond , the postman , was pushing his bicycle along the road to Nidden , at the end of his last delivery , and in the distance the rector could see Ella vanishing down the alley that led to Lulling Woods and Dotty Harmer 's house .
6 The evidence that there had been an intruder was slight but all the same his senses tingled as he walked quietly through the hall , past the staircase and down the passage that led to Jacob 's bed-sitter .
7 The actors try improvising the scene two or three times while I scribble down the lines that sound good .
8 ‘ He put down the money that had been initially agreed upon .
9 They slapped their way hastily along the wet pavements , into the main road , up one block and down the side-road that flanked the cinema .
10 We will continue our efforts to break down the barriers that prevent them from competing freely throughout Europe and in the wider world .
11 We can turn our backs on the divisions of the past , and tear down the barriers that divide us .
12 The risks would be less if Congress were to act quickly on reform proposals provided by the administration , which could attract new capital into banking from outside , and break down the barriers that have hampered the growth of strong banks .
13 That 's right , the continual it 's this continual stuff running down the back that goes for it .
14 I wish that the hon. Gentleman and his colleagues would stop running down the improvements that have been made in the national health service .
15 He yearned to gulp down the coffee that remained , he craved to ask for more .
16 ACTIVITY 3 5–10 mins Note down the points that strike you about this delivery system , the good as well as the bad .
17 If you need some creative inspiration — which direction to take in your career , which city to move to , how to tackle a relationship problem , where to go on holiday — then for a maximum of twenty minutes , scribble down every idea that comes into your head .
18 He went inside and the kitchen scents hit him then , laying down a trail that drew him across the creaking boards and down the hall .
19 Then she has to stroke the horror away from me , like sluicing down a dog that 's come barking from a dirty river .
20 The rain had darkened his brown hair , and rivulets of water dripped down a face that looked to be carved from teak .
21 Players do not like setting down an instrument that has just become nicely warmed up , and taking up a cold one , unless there is a very good reason for it .
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