Example sentences of "over a [adj] time [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , Richards has used the methods of Cragg and Malkiel to show that over a 1-year time horizon professional analysts perform ‘ reasonably well ’ .
2 This is clearly not the case where some very frail old people are concerned but reciprocity can be viewed over a long time scale .
3 The second would be at the City Airport , where BA might offer attractive low fares , sustainable over a long time period by cross-funding from their worldwide profitable operation .
4 The British Museum Press launched its Prometheus award in 1991 with the aim of encouraging young scholars to produce work which crosses disciplinary boundaries or examines events over a wide time scale .
5 We agree that in broad terms the mean number of heterosexual partners reported by men must be equal to the mean number reported by women over a specified time interval in a closed population .
6 Some measurements were made using older plants over a short time period , just three hours .
7 I should very much like the opportunity to discuss with the hon. Gentleman and his hon. Friends , and other colleagues from Northern Ireland , how we can introduce a strategy for promoting inward investment over a longer time scale than that hitherto adopted .
8 And again , over a longer time span genes will have changed by mutation or altered their effects by chromosomal recombination so that the effect they exert on traits can never be considered in isolation .
9 ( A very similar series over a longer time span can be found in the dataset ECONOMY . )
10 Development of all major new weapons programmes would nevertheless continue but over a longer time span .
11 If , as it may be , such a system would cost more to operate than grant payments do , it would be of little advantage except in the important psychological sense that it would be a greater personal investment by the farmer over a longer time period .
12 This experiment was conducted over a longer time period ( ten days ) , starting with young plants .
13 A total of 112 pulse arrival times over a 120-day time interval were collected for this pulsar .
14 It is such measurable levels of activity over a given time period however which provide a means of support and comparison .
15 Since , in equilibrium , the aggregate demand for goods and services will be equal to the rate of national income ( which measures the total value of goods and services produced in the economy over a given time period ) , we can expect a direct relationship between the aggregate demand for labour and the rate of national income .
16 The supply of labour can be defined as the quantity of labour services ( measured in person-hours ) offered for hire by individuals over a given time period .
17 UK and EC policies have developed separately , largely in isolation and over a different time scale .
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