Example sentences of "thing that [was/were] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , it has actually worked , erm , in that it seems that there 's a very fair chance that er , in spite of the very discouraging things that were said by some of the people on my right when I moved this , erm , there is a very good chance now for a reasonable er , settlement in South Africa , which I think should erm , make everyone in this chamber very happy , and it is that , undoubtedly the case that economic pressure had a great deal to do with that .
2 When psychologists have told us things that were based on intuition rather than science many of those things have been important .
3 There were the other things that were written at the time — there are at least 15 cues . ’
4 According to my understanding of , of Labour history , it was er during the war years , at one of the Labour Party conferences , that a NUPE resolution supported by COHSE , actually er brought about some of the , the , the many things that were written within the Beveridge report , and committed the Labour Party to the foundation of the National Health Service that would be free at the points of need for every member of the community .
5 Pascoe thought of the things she did , hour in , hour out — the things that were done to her .
6 Oh , I know that he would never have touched anything in the least underhand , but he is a director of the company , and he might be held responsible for things that were done without his knowledge .
7 Let those things that were done in the dark of night be revealed for your justice and that of the king in the full light of day . ’
8 Always I had regarded them as only incidental to the main theme , the real great things that were to happen to me .
9 She became , for a short while , my personal manager — we did a radio promotion tour around England on the ‘ Andy Warhol ’ single — but I often had the feeling that they were things that were given to Angie to keep her out of David 's way , to occupy her so that he could sort himself out .
10 And snowflakes were huge beautiful things that were hung from the ceilings on bits of thread .
11 Er John Grantham , C P R E , erm just coming back to the to the general questions you you asked earlier about about erm consistency with guidance and and P P G three in particular , erm in in the written evidence we we 've addressed that , and I do n't wish to go over that ground short of saying that that I feel the contribution from er Mr Jewitt , which was Hambledon 's particularly helpful in that regard in in I think explaining erm how government guidance is different now to when to how it was er at the earlier deliberations of the Greater York authorities , and I feel that that 's very important consideration erm , I 'd I 'd like to restrict my my comments just to two points , and they they both really refer to things that were introduced by the representative from from Barton Willmore .
12 She was deeper than the house , level with worms , all the dead things that were put into the ground .
13 The same things that were promised for the gas , electricity and water , but in rel reality the only section to gain are the fat cats at the top who have recently been given it 's obscene pay increases .
14 There were mediaeval chroniclers , working from monasteries and sometimes from the courts , and those chroniclers were producing history which was an attempt as it were to set down what seemed to them to be the most important things that were happening at the time , with a few asides .
15 Can you remember any of the other things that were happening in , in the town at the time of the first world war
16 And you took to do with the things that was happening in the Cooperative .
17 And er it was , it was acceptable by our members in general , that we were achieving the aims and objective of the basis of the whole incentive scheme you know , notwithstanding a lot of other things that was accompanied by , because we could we could then say to the management on most occasions , well we could do with something here that would help health and safety .
18 The other thing that was said about him , particularly towards the end , after the U-turn on economic policy , was that he 'd been captured by his officials , and that he also , in the end , rather relished the company of the permanent secretaries more than he did his Cabinet colleagues .
19 No ; it was the romance of the whole thing that was getting to her ; after all , it was n't every day you were whisked away on a white charger … well , a modern car made a good substitute .
20 It was a thing that was created by popular demand .
21 ‘ I think people get even angrier if they think about this precise thing that was done in their so-called formative years that made them the way they are .
22 Tony Visconti : ‘ At that time , we had gone into the studio to record ‘ The Man Who Sold The World ’ , and the horrible thing that was happening to me as a producer , the nightmare of my life , was that David and Angela were becoming totally entwined and enraptured with each other .
23 The Benefit was an unqualified success , which was the main thing , but asking for the support of hundreds of strangers inevitably meant that the focus of their concern would be on John as well as on the terrible thing that was happening to him .
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