Example sentences of "thing i have [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 We began by talking about food , but food quickly became boring and was replaced by feelings , the things I had been trying to stuff down with food .
2 And one of the reasons they all became interested at the same time was that a lot of them knew each other , and so one of the things I 've been looking at is the correspondence between Americans and British people , and the fact that they travelled and kept diaries of who they met in the other country , and they all swapped ideas on how to deal with this particular level of poverty .
3 I said oh I 'm not gon na give you my telephone number after the things I 've been hearing about you !
4 For example , one of the things I 've been doing today is submitting titles for Waterstones ’ summer reading promotion ; they are sponsoring a 32 page supplement in Elle , and are doing a run-on .
5 ‘ So do I ; it 's one of the things I 've been missing about Australia — that and the sun . ’
6 In other words , these things I 've been talking about , map , if I may use that concept again from mathematics , they map to earlier feelings .
7 Said a lot of things I 've been meaning to for a long time . ’
8 Each week he would sit me on his knee and , under the pretence of asking me about the things I 'd been doing at school , he would squeeze my thighs and waist .
9 ‘ The thing I 've been trying to do all along is to create a very large-sounding rock record — orchestrated , in a way — combining that with my songwriting style , which is pretty eclectic , I suppose .
10 er on , and I 'll tell you another thing I 've been taking .
11 For example own ( I am my own master ) or ( the ) very ( That 's the very thing I 've been looking for ! ) .
12 ‘ That 's the kind of thing I 've been making people do all day .
13 That is the very thing I had been wishing for — someone to recommend me .
14 ‘ Because you 're a landlord , I suppose , ’ I said , holding back the next thing I had been going to say and then deciding he might not mind .
15 To me it meant that your involvement with Jones went deeper than the superficial thing I 'd been imagining .
16 He 'd been sitting apparently fascinated by my World Religions class , and when he came up at the end I was sure he wanted to ask a question about Zoroastrianism or Thuggee , or whatever damned thing I 'd been going on about .
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