Example sentences of "back to [noun prp] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 yes , he does n't want to stay with her , but I 've told Paul that if he goes back to Karen and take some of his things out , then he takes all of his things out and himself and he never comes back
2 Gaynor Chaudhry believes her estranged husband has now brought their child back to Britain but does n't know where they are .
3 It 's a bit like coming back to Britain and finding you 've committed yourself to living in Brigadoon . ’
4 I think of people , grand old British artists , like Turner for example , going on grand tours and coming back to Britain and going through , as it were , a period of painting where he is influenced by what he 's seen and heard and experienced in Europe , and then more latterly I think of France as being , Paris as being the centre of art and British artists going and spending their period in Paris and coming back and going through an impressionist or an expressionist phase .
5 The wealth generated by our overseas possessions was channelled back to Britain and allowed fortunes to be made and investments to be made in many new industries , including cotton , fabrics , and diverse engineering products .
6 ‘ Go back to Eastlake and concentrate on your own affairs .
7 ‘ Our plan is to make all our songs famous enough so that we can go back to Cork and do the circuit again , and they 'll recognise Walters Trip as a song by The Frank & Walters ! ’
8 ‘ Nah listen 'ere — any more o' this an' you 'll all go back to Gaul an' eat bloody frogs ' legs — all right ? ’
9 I went back to Holmes and told him what I had seen .
10 The sentence was carried out at Trier , but Priscillian 's body was carried back to Spain and buried in Galicia .
11 An Israeli nuclear technician , Mordechai Vananu , who came to London and gave away details of Israel 's nuclear weapon plant at Dimona in the Negev desert , was lured from London to Rome by an attractive Mossad agent , then kidnapped , brought back to Israel and put on trial .
12 The Normans escorted the Pope and his retinue , with care , back to Benevento and detained him there , with care , as their prisoner .
13 SCO claims it was misunderstood all those long months we thought it was decommitting from ACE , shuffling the MIPS work back to DEC and favouring Intel .
14 I turned back to Lloyd and tried not to look at Beeby 's legs .
15 ‘ She could have had his body taken back to Liverpool and buried at home , ’ Maureen said .
16 And it was I who , objecting , and saying ‘ Otto 's a very decent man ’ , was made to sound prig-gish , so that when the word ‘ decent ’ echoed in my mind , I thought back to Théovard and felt confused .
17 When they were only fifty yards from the herd the French boy came back to Joseph and raised a mischievous eyebrow .
18 Greenpeace workers had begun packaging the 425 tonnes of waste , dumped in the Sibiu area of central Romania , for safe transport back to Germany and said they would remain at the site until the transport promised by German Environment Minister Klaus Töpfer arrived .
19 Meanwhile the end of the German campaign in Yugoslavia and Greece meant that many of the Luftwaffe units employed there were now being posted elsewhere , some of these stopping off in Sicily for a few days on their way back to Germany and undertaking a few missions over Malta .
20 ‘ So I said to him , ’ said John , ‘ do me a favour and go back to America and give the Red Indians home rule . ’
21 One solution adopted by Iran appears to have been to send crude off to Aden or other refining centres abroad like Singapore and Italy for processing into products to be sent back to Iran and discharged at storage facilities available at terminals on Gulf islands like Lavan .
22 Take the Golf back to Barking and stash it somewhere .
23 Oh , indeed so , erm our domestic life is extraordinarily complicated but when , after my maternity leave expired and when I 'd finished having time off and breast feeding the baby , he in fact looked after her for a term in Cambridge and I came back to Sussex and taught during the week and went back to my daughter and husband at weekends , and now he 's actually taking leave in his turn , if you like , so that he can be the back-up here while I teach and do my work this year .
24 But when the slogans appeared on the wall of two mosques and camel dung was dropped on the entrance of one of them they were very angry and came back to Owen and said that these were godless young and should be put down .
25 When the Company entered the dynastic politics of southern India by putting forward a candidate of its own in the Carnatic , the French were soon able to drive him back to Trichinopoly and beseige him there .
26 Dara fled back to Agra and set off on the road to Delhi without daring to face his father .
27 Mr Taylor travelled back to Aberdeen and gave them to Murray .
28 It had been , however briefly , a time when her body and her mind had fitted together so tidily and wholely that , waking up one morning and deciding that it was time to go back to Oxford and visit her mother , was neither traumatic nor casual , but straightforward .
29 The hon. Gentleman would do well to go back to Bradford and ask the authority one or two questions .
30 So that basically is it how would we see the course 's structure I do n't think we 've got time to do that today I wanted really to just to throw some ideas with you good folks and get the benefit of your thoughts and experience so that I could go back to Napier and say this is what my committee says
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