Example sentences of "on [conj] you [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mr are you anything you feel applies to respond on or you feel you 've stated your case ?
2 Mr Williamson is there anything you want to come back on or you feel you 've had enough in terms of summing up on matters A and B ?
3 know what was going on until you got it sorted out .
4 I would advise that you try several papers with timed experiments , leaving the fluid on until you find what suits your way of working .
5 Because that way it stays on if you do it the other way it 'll drop off it 's as simple as that , okay , cover the pad and as you spiral up the arm all you need to do is to cover about two thirds of what you 've just done before , just like a spiral , you find the bandages , the more you use those roller bandages of yours the worse they get to control because they lose their , you know , nice and stretchiness , so you just do , cover up the pad at the top , tie always on the top of the arm never underneath here .
6 There can be this dreadful tired feeling with it , too , which is very frustrating when you know time 's getting on and you know you can not delay the work any longer .
7 And when you gallop them you put the rugs on and you walk them home quietly i if it 's a nice day like this , you give them a pick of grass in the paddock .
8 Which yeah I said well there 's nobody else , I said they get on and you say I want more money but he said it 's a nightmare .
9 Yeah , if I sell at a time when there 's still a recession on and you see somebody has to get my they had a visit perhaps that was somebody that actually bought a house , not she not
10 The only time that you will hear about it is whe , if you have the television on and you see it happening on the parliament and on your papers .
11 I I hope so I think it was er er we bridged you know I mean maybe you know it 's often the way is n't it you know you think that 's something going on and you think it 's different to what it is when he realized we were all very level headed and that er .
12 Well I want to move on cos you know it 's
13 After a while you get when you first start the first time you ever ride a two wheeler and you have someone holding it or you have some stabilizers on till you know what you 're doing .
14 Erm one of the best known commentators on the American president , a man called Richard Newstat er who 's occasionally known as Mr Williams because he 's married to er Shirley Williams a clapped-out Social Democratic politician of er yesteryear , erm Richard Newstat once said , well once said many things but er on this particular occasion said that er if you want to know what presidential power is , it is simply the power to persuade and that er when you look for er an American president what you need to look for er is not somebody who is clear minded , far sighted and so on but you need somebody who has the capacity the skill , the talent , to persuade other people to do what he wants them to do .
15 ‘ You get something on before you catch your death , love , ’ said Mrs. Hennessy to Tessa reproachfully .
16 If you are using the : PRT.0 device , you must send the printer-on Escape sequence ENQ [ ( ASCII codes 5 & 91 ) to turn printing on before you send anything you want printed .
17 You know what you were taking on when you married me . "
18 Keeps turning it on when you see it now .
19 Oh yeah , but I mean it just goes on when you need it all new .
20 Now in the same way over the four years when you are in overall control of the Council you suggested that Conservative money , the of council tax to pay for public transport but you never spent all the money on public transport , instead of which you on as you admitted which will be used in other directions but your last budget
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