Example sentences of "even though they [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They 've decided that marriage ceremonies have nothing to do with how they feel , even though they regard their relationship as being every bit as permanent as marriage . ’
2 Many people have had experiences of déjà vu , when they have come across a place which they are able to describe in precise detail even though they know they have never been there before .
3 Reasoning powers can deteriorate : people may begin to think irrationally ( and do so even though they know they are doing so ) ; they may begin to get paranoid , feeling that others are slyly poking fun at them , excluding them from discussions , or being condescending or patronizing .
4 Other Unionists , including Law himself , were less sure , even though they shared their colleagues " concern about the political and economic situation ; nevertheless it was agreed to go ahead , but that Lloyd George should make the first move .
5 The House Speaker , Tom Foley , and the Senate majority leader , George Mitchell , have urged him to reconsider his stance — even though they concede they do not have the votes to override a veto .
6 ‘ But even though they had nothing at the ports , if you offered one of them a bar of chocolate or a pack of cigarettes they would turn it down and tell you to send it to the Front . ’
7 Dinner was exquisite , even though they ate it in the somewhat strained silence of two people who had discovered they had absolutely nothing to say to each other .
8 This story had been used extensively by the Americans to drum up support against Gadaffi in the tame sections of the Western media even though they knew it was untrue .
9 What will happen to the most vulnerable , who can not even complain because they can not communicate — even though they pay their taxes to support these services ?
10 It was a terribly long journey , even though they broke it in Florida .
11 Once it is accepted that principles can be part of the law for reasons not reflecting convention but just because they are morally appealing , then a door is opened for the more threatening idea that some principles are part of the law because of their moral appeal , even though they contradict what convention has endorsed .
12 ‘ They do n't really want somebody with my background , even though they say they do .
13 These results clearly challenge any notion that women are giving informed consent for their babies to be tested , even though they believe themselves to have been informed .
14 As in a Hammer horror film , the anticipation of something dreadful provides the engine to this dream — the seven bearded men 's appalling appearance was not for instance immediately apparent , and even though they removed his clothes and started to eat , there was no explicit imagery of himself implicated in the cannibalistic orgy , tasting flesh — presumably his own .
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