Example sentences of "even though they [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Rather , people fear and stigmatise fairly specific things , people and conditions , even though they may admittedly know very little about them .
2 The media ( at least in those countries where media , and particularly television , play a major role ) are an important factor in upholding the patriarchal myth , even though they may subtly shift their ground here and there .
3 Just as someone has short sight , penicillin allergy or diabetes never recovers from these conditions but can nonetheless do or not do various things that diminish their effects or progress , similarly , sufferers from addictive disease even though they may no longer use the substance or behaviour of addiction .
4 Even though they may already be thinking about their appearance , and becoming fashion-conscious , on many occasions all this is forgotten and , in running , dancing or laughing , they revert to a natural ease through which a certain innocence shines .
5 Government expenditure also encourages consumption and hence economic growth even though they may also have detrimental effects if they exceed certain high levels — a claim that will be discussed in the following chapter .
6 A typical comment from teachers was that even though they may never use such a checklist again , having to use it , albeit reluctantly , this time had certainly made them ‘ think ’ .
7 This may be of advantage to the developer too , attracting passers-by , even though they may initially be looking for a short cut .
8 Other ad hoc groups beyond the reach of the MISC series can have a considerable impact , even though they may only meet once or twice .
9 Even though they may only flower once a century , these plants are proving increasingly popular with gardeners and landscapers throughout Europe .
10 Differences between black women psychologists are ignored , even though they may sometimes be more important than their similarities .
11 This book is concerned primarily with business secrets and so such issues as marital confidences and privacy are not considered even though they may occasionally have commercial value .
12 making sure they 're safe , even though they 'll still be , sort of , visually erm they 'll be seen , erm they 'll be actually tidied on the desk .
13 In 1860 the great international conference at Karlsruhe , the first chemical affair of its kind , voted that equivalents were more empirical than atomic weights ; but ordinary mortals found it much easier to think in terms of particles , and to call them ‘ atoms ’ , even though they might well be complex .
14 Minor award schools were categorised as those which had already achieved some success in terms of library/resource awareness within the school , and appropriate developments in library provision , even though they might still be underfunded for meeting those aspirations .
15 Businessmen fear a Labour victory would cause the pound to fall in value even though they would probably benefit .
16 Non-profit making organisations , public corporations and other government institutions might also have formally-stated objects in their constitution , whereas other organisations such as sole traderships do not have any formally-stated objects ( even though they will still have objects of some description ) .
17 In this way the primary sufferer — and the family members — may more readily accept the need for treatment even though they will subsequently learn that stress and depression are consequences rather than causes of addictive disease .
18 They can be of great service in transmitting the Faith , even though they can never replace the personal witness which is essential to the proclamation of the full truth and value of the Christian message .
19 Being Phil 's mate , for example , was something which many fans aspired to even though they could never hope to carry off the performances required of an aggro leader themselves .
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