Example sentences of "coming and go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In winter time the stoking of the fires required enormous quantities of wood , so that the Palace was filled with the constant coming and going of footmen , carriers of water or carriers of wood .
2 The inevitable domestic dramas ; the illnesses ; the school exams ; the trips to casualty departments of hospitals ; the entertaining of foreign exchange schoolchildren ; the ferrying to and fro to Brownies , school camp , music lessons , the station ; the constant coming and going of teenage friends ; the battle of the telephone : it is all so familiar to every parent , and it is so exhausting !
3 But this was by no means all consumed by the brethren in an orgy of gluttony ; most of the larger monastic records in Sussex would have shown a similar pattern , since there was a constant coming and going of important visitors and benefactors with extensive retinues .
4 Naturally , such matters were kept from a little girl ; there was only the squalling of the new baby upstairs , the coming and going of a starched nurse , the funeral — the black ostrich feathers on the horses ’ heads intrigued Dinah , who felt no grief at all for the occasionally met-with , plaintive lady who had , as they put it , passed away — and the sound of one 's own voice , strong and resonant in the empty room .
5 Sea levels have risen and fallen with the coming and going of the ice ages as they have everywhere else .
6 A crowd of 40 , perhaps 50 , had gathered to watch the coming and going of the police and the counter-terrorism team .
7 Administrative decision-making on deprivation of parental rights and the coming and going of children into and out of the care of the state is perceived by many as an abuse of legal process .
8 This coming and going of black and white was just fast enough to give a faint , flickering image of Lucy 's delightful nakedness and all of a sudden gave Fleury an idea .
9 When she looked up she could see the bees shooting up and away over the wall , and by each hive there was a continual coming and going of bees , some of whose pouches were brilliant with golden pollen .
10 Delia Sutherland watched the coming and going of Luney 's bare feet as she brought the food she had prepared .
11 In addition , during the ‘ Hundred Years War ’ which began in 1338 it meant there was a constant coming and going across the county by a not particularly well disciplined soldiery .
12 Still , there was a good deal of stealthy coming and going within the building — this being ignored apparently by the men on duty in the guardchamber .
13 Strains of jazz throbbed and boomed overhead , muted by the open air and varying in volume with the capricious comings and going of the breeze from the lake .
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