Example sentences of "preside [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its Chapter House was like a Board Room , where the abbots presided like chairmen of the Board , with the profit motive high on the agenda .
2 Labour 's Doug Naysmith , Bristol city councillor who presided over privatisation of Bristol port , needs a six per cent swing to wipe out Michael Stern 's 6,952 majority .
3 Mr Colin Sheaf , Christie 's Chinese porcelain expert and auctioneer , mounted his rostrum against a vast reredos of 1018 blue-and-white bowls and vases — for all the world like a Harrods sale in 1690 , had Harrods then been invented — and presided over mayhem from Lot 1 .
4 The mother and wife of RA , the sun god , Hathor presided over matters of beauty , love and marriage , and attended childbirth .
5 Originally a moon goddess , Juno presided over matters of fecundity , childbirth and marriage .
6 Of undetermined role is Julia M Seashells , a two-legged mermaid who presides over Tony with a verbal rolling in : Andy Hobson , who plays keyboards but is worn out from his other job of writing false accounts of Stockport County in the local paper ; and the slides and video man Adge , who 's responsible for the band 's cool stage set which makes watching World Of Twist like peering into a late-'60s trash prog .
7 Of undetermined role is Julia M Seashells , a two-legged mermaid who presides over Tony with a verbal rolling in : Andy Hobson , who plays keyboards but is worn out from his other job of writing false accounts of Stockport County in the local paper ; and the slides and video man Adge , who 's responsible for the band 's cool stage set which makes watching World Of Twist like peering into a late-'60s trash prog .
8 Aethelheard , abbot of Louth in Lindsey , who became archbishop of Canterbury in 792 , may have been seen in Kent as a ‘ symbol of Mercian rule ’ , but he appears to have obtained from Offa a confirmation of the immunity of Kentish churches ( CS 848 : S 134 ) 52 and he presided without Hygeberht over a synod at London attended by most of the bishops of southern England ( CS 265 : S 132 ) .
9 In January 1978 , the Lord Chancellor announced that Judge Neil McKinnon had said that he wished not to preside in future over cases involving racial questions ; and that this wish would be given effect to .
10 This meant that two essentially judicial functions were exercised by the seneschal of Gascony under Edward I : first , an annual progress through the duchy to preside over assises at Bazas , Dax and St Sever , although the seneschal , who had much business elsewhere , often empowered a lieutenant to serve in his place .
11 The Special Branch detective was asked whether he thought it probable that a more junior officer in the social welfare wing would call such a meeting and at it preside over ones of much more senior rank from the military wing .
12 Mao , on the other hand , actually presided over gatherings of a million crying and cheering devotees , before bodily and mental decline made personal enjoyment of ecstatic Red Guards screeching their devotion impossible .
13 Cat was presiding in person behind the counter .
14 This committee held a series of meetings with the commons , and the commons , led by de la Mare , appeared before the lords on a number of occasions , with John of Gaunt presiding in place of the king who was too ill to attend .
15 Paul bore all this in mind , looking down at Emily ; he could see her in his mind 's eye presiding over tea-parties at Oxford , saying the right thing to professors ' wives ; playing her part as his own wife , while he continued with his work uninterrupted except — he dared not think of it now — for the nights .
16 But his duties extend far beyond just presiding over debates in the House of Commons , as Simon Mares reports from Westminster .
17 But his duties extend far beyond just presiding over debates in the House of Commons , as Simon Mares reports from Westminster .
18 Round the corner were the Alteceans in their cardigans , their conical caps of brown felt , presiding over accumulations of human refuse .
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