Example sentences of "legend [vb -s] it [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Legend has it that Rawlins remembered the lot although yesterday he confessed he might have forgotten one .
2 Legend has it that the mandarin was so grateful to Earl Grey for services rendered that he gave him his secret tea recipe , to keep mind , body and spirit together in perfect harmony .
3 Legend has it that he used to angle in the Adige river and that when the waters flooded , many years after his death , they were stopped from breaching the walls of his church by prayers to his memory .
4 Legend has it that Rhodes , largest of the Dodecanese islands set in the blue Aegean Sea , was home to the sun god Helios … and little wonder given this island 's mild climate and long sun-drenched summer days .
5 Legend has it that it was here that Yusuf met his death beneath the hooves of his enemies , steeds ; here also that El Cid received a fatal wound .
6 Burton-on-Trent is one of the chief centres of the brewing industry , and legend has it that the origin of its pre-eminence was the discovery by a medieval monk that water pumped from the local sandstone after seeping through deposits of gypsum gave beer an excellent flavour .
7 However , popular legend has it that Andrew Patterson , then Headmaster at the Manchester Schools for the Deaf at Old Trafford , was perturbed to counter on several occasions a group of ex-pupils gathered around a certain gas-lamp in the city — the gas-lamp being a popular meeting place of local deaf people ( this was the subject of a Victorian drama as well . )
8 Built by William the Conqueror in thanks for his victory over King Harold — legend has it that the high altar marks spot where Harold died from an arrow through his eye .
9 Legend has it that the guy who invented chess did so as a favour for his king .
10 Legend has it that the bridge got its name from the plaintive cries of the prisoners as they were escorted across it .
11 Legend has it that Mother Shipton of Knaresborough , 1488–1561 , whose real name was Ursula Sonthell , lived in Shiptonthorpe during some period in her life .
12 Legend has it that it was once fired on by a warship because it failed to reply to a signal !
13 Somewhere in the middle of the fifteenth century , legend has it that a little girl was tending sheep here when a young lady came to play with her .
14 Slavonic legend has it that at the time of the Creation of the World a group of malignant spirits staged a revolt against Svarog , the sky god .
15 Legend has it that ZEUS granted the boy immortality on condition that he remain forever slumbering .
16 The legend has it that , in the guise of a cow , she gave birth to the entire world and all its inhabitants .
17 Legend has it that the ‘ eyes ’ or ‘ spectacles ’ on the rear of the Cobra 's hood were given to it by Guatama the Buddha as protection against the attacks of Garuda the Eagle , arch enemy of the Cobras .
18 Legend has it that Nigel Rudd was watching Magic Roundabout with his four year old son when he finally decided that the recession was too good an opportunity to miss .
19 Legend has it that Nigel Rudd was watching Magic Roundabout with his four year old son when he finally decided that the recession was too good an opportunity to miss
20 Legend has it that a real giant terrorised the locals .
21 Legend has it that , during the obligatory pre-signing wine and dine sesh , The ‘ Weed boys insisted they share the food , as there was more on one plate than they 'd ever seen before .
22 Legend has it that the flowers turned red , with the shape of a cross in the centre , when they sprang up after a battle .
23 Indeed , legend has it that she was one of its founding members and was its High Priestess .
24 Legend has it that the green of the water comes from the fairies washing their clothes in the lochan !
25 LEGEND has it that when Benito Mussolini took control of Italy 's savings banks by decree in 1938 , it was to settle a dispute with a local fascist leader over who should be the boss of Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia .
26 Originally a Roman colony , legend has it that it takes its name from the first lord of its castle Rufus , Marquis of Obertenghi , who had thick red hair , or , perhaps more romantically , that it is named after the sunset hues which turn the mountain here from a gentle rose to red each evening .
27 Legend has it that the lake was formed by the tears of a love torn nymph , and at the end of a luminous day , when the sun turns everything to delicate hues , even the sceptical are ready to admit they have seen the Trasimeno nymph — adding to the water level with a few tears more .
28 Legend has it that the " great unwashed " do n't put coal in the bath any more , they burn the doors and gates for fuel .
29 Legend has it that Oliver Cromwell on his way to lay siege to Middleton Hall during the Civil War found the old packhorse bridge too narrow for his cannons and wagons and so had the bridge widened .
30 Although the people who built this temple have long since vanished , legend has it that during certain summer full moons the wild elephants arrive to roister amongst the ruins .
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