Example sentences of "starting [noun sg] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That quite startled her and at least it gave Marguerite a starting point for conversation .
2 Grades H1 and H2 in the Hills and Uplands Classification could be used as the starting point for inclusion .
3 Grades U3 and U4 land in the Hills and Uplands Classification could be used as the starting point for inclusion .
4 However , Figure 8.5 offers a useful starting point for discussion .
5 Clemenza made an obvious starting point for Oliver , since he had also been commissioned to compose new recitatives for the opera in place of those which Mozart 's incompetent pupil Süssmayr reputedly dashed off on the coach trip to the Prague première .
6 We re-emphasise this limitation now because CD-ROM is the evolutionary starting point for CD multimedia systems and its ‘ speed of light ’ underlies the greatest single technological challenge in multimedia development .
7 The project team used the assessment framework developed by the Assessment of Performance Unit ( APU ) ( see Appendix III ) and the results obtained by the Unit in their mathematics surveys as the starting point for test development in this project .
8 A good starting point for help , if you do n't already have connections in this field , is your bank , who will refer you to one of their specialist export departments or to one of the official export agencies .
9 This is the starting point for excursions in the Karpf district , lying in the angle between these two valleys .
10 There was no obvious starting point for experiments designed to discover the details of its biochemistry .
11 These are not targets to be met and should not be the basis or a starting point for development plan policies .
12 It does n't lay down rigid guidelines to be followed , it just suggests erm penalties for average offences committed by first offenders of average means , and it provides a starting point for magistrates to think about .
13 This simple idea was the starting point for Philips ’ effort to enter the consumer market with a multimedia CD product that felt and looked more like a domestic appliance than a computer .
14 We hoped our approach to the curriculum would be seen as enabling rather than restricting , a starting point for teachers in their discussions with their colleagues , not a strait-jacket .
15 Since the standard route of entry is graduate entry , the social profile of graduates is the starting point for consideration of the social profile of the profession .
16 The relevant passage in the judgment indicated that where a rape was committed by a person who was in a position of trust towards the victim , the starting point for consideration of the appropriate sentence should be eight years .
17 617 and this provides a useful starting point for consideration of the precise nature of the public interest here in question .
18 Whilst theses three elements have been elaborated upon in subsequent cases they are a convenient starting point for consideration of the case law .
19 The OU produces a study pack called ‘ Planning Retirement ’ ( P941 ) which covers all the important areas and provides a useful starting point for thought and discussion .
20 Right : Kribs are often the starting point for cichlid enthusiasts .
21 These arguments suggested that the starting point for criminology should be a consideration of how the legal rules that define crimes come about and whose interests they serve .
22 The recognition of a separate interest is , as Adam Smith fully acknowledged , the starting point for conflict .
23 Choral music is therefore a good starting point for beginners in composition , and not infrequently we find quite effective works written for choir at an early stage of development .
24 One obvious starting point for school librarians using the EDFAX program is in the creation of electronic notice boards .
25 Hardraw is a good starting point for Shunner Fell and Lovely Seat , the two hills that flank the famous Butter Tubs Pass , and is known to many who have walked the Pennine Way as either the end or the beginning of the day that takes you from Tan Hill to Hawes or vice versa , depending on which direction you are walking .
26 Thinking about these questions produces the conclusions that are the starting point for Hughes 's paper : that the philosopher 's child invariably turns out to be male and that autonomy seems to be for men only .
27 Although these considerations make us wary of interpreting fig 4.1 too literally , they do not undermine its value as a representation of the essential core of language , and as a starting point for stylistics .
28 Thus a course based on a functional approach would take as its main starting point for language development what the learner wants to do through language ( Abbs & Freebairn 1977 ) .
29 They will survive unscathed and largely unregulated until their activities unleash another financial disaster ; at which point this book will be a useful starting point for moppers-up .
30 The starting point for investigation may be taken to be the eighteenth-century revolutionary movements which gave impetus to beliefs that social progress was possible and that social organization could be reconstructed in accordance with rational principles .
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