Example sentences of "whose duty it [be] " in BNC.

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1 The verderers appoint three agisters whose duty it is to supervise the animals on the forest commons , brand and mark them , collect the grazing fees for the verderers , and attend the Verderers ' Court .
2 This seemed like a Falangist revival , for it was the first session that had been held since 1945 and Franco asserted that it was " necessary that the National Council should recover the role which corresponds to it in the political tasks , because it is hierarchically the highest body in the Movement , whose duty it is to ensure the purity of the organization and the continuity of the doctrine " .18 But many of those present , including the Vice-Secretary of FET , Diego Salas Pombo , detected behind the smokescreen of verbiage a lack of genuine commitment to Arrese 's plan for a Falange-dominated future .
3 For parents , whose duty it is to educate the family in the proper and responsible use of the audiovisual media , that they may enlighten and guide their children in the appreciation of wholesome audio and video cassettes .
4 For parents , whose duty it is to educate the family in the proper and responsible use of the audiovisual media , that they may guide and enlighten their children in the appreciation of wholesome audio and video cassettes .
5 Lord Simon showed what a difficult concept this is when he reviewed various possible definitions of " quasi-arbitrator " in Arenson v Casson Beckman Rutley & Co [ 1975 ] 3 WLR 815 at 824 G. He said that it could mean ( 1 ) a third party whose duty it is , in deciding a question , to " hold the scales fairly " and who is " likely to be shot at by both sides " this was formulated three different ways ; or ( 2 ) " an arbitrator at common law in contradistinction from one under the Arbitration Act 1950 " [ an obscure conceptpresumably only for oral arbitration agreements or agreements specifically excluding the operation of the Act ] ; or ( 3 ) " a person who is not an arbitrator under the Arbitration Act 1950 but nevertheless acts in a judicial capacity or character or fulfills a judicial function . "
6 The book was offered with a sharp recollection of his own family , not only regarding his father 's absence of many years ( whose duty it was , formally , to say the prayer ) , but in the dedication of the book , another link with the past broken , another mainstay , albeit distant , removed : ‘ This book is dedicated to the memory of my grandmother Mrs Lyon Cohen , and to the memory of my grandfather Rabbi Solomon Klinitsky . ’
7 The office was linked to , but separate from , that of Chief Huntsman ( Grand Veneur ) , whose staff consisted of Captains and Lieutenants resplendent in green and gold , whose duty it was to organize the Imperial hunts , particularly — during the autumn season — those which were held at Compiègne .
8 It was also the meeting place of the Board of Guardians , whose duty it was to look after the poor , and the Patrington Union which was responsible for 27 parishes .
9 The synagogue was administered by a council of ‘ elders ’ who appointed a ‘ ruler ’ whose duty it was to prepare for the daily services and provide some general supervision .
10 The first of these was the landowning class , the nobility and gentry ; the leaders of the community , whose duty it was to set a good example to the rest , to be ‘ the helpers and releuers of poore tenantes , and also be the maynteynors and supporters of all poore folkes ’ .
11 They were in costumes that , in spite of their crumpled shabbiness , recalled the garb of Count Arnheim in the opera of ‘ The Bohemian Girl ’ , and looked like fugitive kings and emperors beside the thick-set railway porter , in capacious velveteens , whose duty it was to put them on the right track towards the ‘ free land ’ .
12 Its importance was institutionalised in the emergence from the later sixteenth century onwards in many states of officials whose duty it was to supervise the reception of foreign diplomatic representatives and smooth out differences between them on questions of ceremonial and precedence .
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