Example sentences of "health [conj] safety [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Employers with work-stations already in place will have four years to make any improvements , providing there is no immediate health or safety risk to employees .
2 In 1992 the European Commission ( EC ) is publishing Health & Safety regulations for working with Display Screen Equipment .
3 Health & safety reasons
4 Any exclusion of the Social Chapter will mitigate future employment prospects for construction students because total integration of safe working practices and Health & Safety provisions is a cornerstone of our industry .
5 These are areas which the full Health & Safety Committee might wish to discuss .
6 TWO health & safety seminars were held during February for site managers and safety co-ordinators .
7 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 lays out in pretty tough terms exactly what has to be done in terms of assessing risks , appointing health & safety assistants , setting up emergency procedures , providing information and training to employees and so on .
8 Preparing and implementing a fault-logging and response diary , and databases for hardware and software inventories , contract and call-out maintenance reports ( including repair costs ) , consumables stock control and Health & Safety assessments .
9 Carry out workstation Health & Safety assessments , ensure all new equipment & environments meet Directive CSO
10 The Health & Safety Commission ( HSC ) has published a guide to the new workplace ( Health , Safety and Welfare ) Regulations 1992 , which came into force at the beginning of 1993 .
11 He will combine this new job with his other roles as a CBI member of the Health & Safety Commission working group on ionising radiations , a civil consultant on radiation medicine to the Royal Navy and RAF , a non-executive director at Clatterbridge centre for oncology trust and secretary of the ICRP committee on the implementation of the commission 's recommendations. ,
12 In December information was sent to all units by means of the Health & Safety Bulletin supported by two government produced pamphlets .
13 Red nose day at Key Street … from left , , health & safety manager ; , market analyst ; , formulations & specifications manager ; , secretary ; , administrative assistant , and , senior secretary .
14 Director General since 1984 of the government-funded Health & Safety Executive responsible for industrial safety and inspectorates .
15 The Health & Safety Executive , however , maintained that the HSC 's comprehensive guidelines were adequate and that the laying down of rigid prescriptive standards was impossible given the diversity of sizes and types of pool .
16 The Health & Safety Executive has published Toxicity review 25 : cyclohexane , cumene , para-dichlorobenzene ( p-DCB ) and chlorodifluoromethane ( CFC 22 ) .
17 Despite extensive research , the causes of sick building syndrome have not yet been clearly established and so are unlikely to be eradicated in the near future , according to a new report from the Health & Safety Executive .
18 HSE Health & Safety Executive
19 The company is being prosecuted by the Health & Safety Executive following the death of Anthony Flaherty on September 26 1992 .
20 The company 's Health & Safety Manual continues to provide standards and codes of practice that conform to current legislation with a revised manual to be issued later this year . ’
21 He attended the Health and Safety Module 1 of the Technicians ' Initial technical Course .
22 It is dangerous ( and forbidden to employees ) , but is you observe common-sense , stand firmly and hold the wood in same way each time , with all soft pink bits well away from the blade , you will not end up like the man in the story that the same Health and Safety Officer delighted in telling me .
23 Judith Church , Health and Safety Officer of the Manufacturing , Science and Finance Union summed up the government 's attitude to health and safety as :
24 The presence of a health and safety officer would also seem to be a prerequisite .
25 The Yorkshire region has , for a number of years now , combined the Health and Safety Officer 's job with that of the regional education officer the two have always married together very well in the principal thrust of workplace activity it involved the training of safety representatives enabling them to carry out their role effectively .
26 To make sure the G M B is at the head of the field we must have a reasonable Health and Safety Officer who would ensure that our safety reps and full-time officers are kept up to speed with all the changes in legislation and to provide the adequate training .
27 We in the Northern region welcome in particular the recommendation of the Health and Safety Officer to beef up the health and safety education and services delivered in the regions .
28 President , I would take this opportunity on behalf of the region to condra sorry , congratulate Nigel on the excellent work that he has done since becoming the National Health and Safety Officer .
29 Rachel Stevens blinked as Ron Banks , the health and safety officer , flicked the switch of the video recorder and someone at the back of the room turned on the light .
30 That was before we installed the eight thousand gallon water storage tank , which Health and Safety thought could drown a child .
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