Example sentences of "continue until it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Geoffrey watched the red flush creep up James Grierson 's neck and continue until it reached his receding hairline .
2 If it is set too low , then Offline will accomplish its workload using less ‘ portions ’ ie. it will calculate how many blocks can be stored and then continue until it has achieved that workload regardless of the 15 minute factor .
3 In this respect the operation was a failure ; Schwarzkopf made it clear that the air phase of the war would be continued until it had achieved its objectives , and that the timing and location of any land-based offensive would be in accordance with allied war plans and would be made by the US President .
4 The solution will bubble up immediately and sprinkling should be continued until it overflows to drain , if fitted , or reaches a stable level at the lip of the well .
5 Speaking to Christian supporters in east Beirut , General Aoun reminded the deputies in Taif that ‘ a war has erupted to liberate Lebanon and it is still on and it will continue until it achieves its goals ’ .
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