Example sentences of "sort [prep] thing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Why do they have to do this sort of thing during Holy Week ?
2 But you ca n't guarantee that , er , and once the supermarket developments er , have gone , then you 'll drop off down , down again , and again you 're affected by the rece recession , whereas people wo n't replace things like weighbridges , er , automatic weighing machines that sort of thing during the recession , if you come out of recession , then you might get , and you say you might get some increase in fees in that , that area .
3 ‘ I dare say it has , old man , but you ca n't do that sort of thing without asking the others , can you ? ’
4 Still more important , one would then need an account of the state as the sort of thing over which capital could exercise power — a set of institutions with no autonomy of their own .
5 I 'm at the moment chairing a university working party on sexual harassment erm and what this working party erm intends to do is to try to survey experience gathered from the operation of codes and the appointment of people in college with a special responsibility for this sort of thing over the past few years , to see what we can learn from experience , so I 'd want to reserve judgement at the moment on what this committee might recommend is the best way forwards .
6 ‘ I know , I understand : one lays oneself open to this sort of thing with animals .
7 You can do the same sort of thing with the ‘ personnel ’ information , though here you have to make rather more assumptions .
8 There are various former members of the BBC who believe that I was the instigator of the action against them , but unlike politicians I bear this sort of thing with a great deal of tolerance , taking what I think is a sensible view that one can not make omelettes without breaking eggs .
9 Erm with in a corner sort of thing with a thing around it and you know .
10 ‘ Only you , cos you 're into this sort of thing with your books . ’
11 Given the fundamental importance of demography for any assessment of a pre-industrial economy , it is not surprising that economic historians have pressed the surveys into service ( historians of medieval England have done the same sort of thing with Domesday Book ) as sources of demographic data .
12 You can do the same sort of thing with your refrigerator at home .
13 Yeah that sort of thing with two pockets on and a clip going over .
14 yeah exactly the same sort of thing with the front room one and the kitchen one you just did
15 Whereas you ca n't do that sort of thing with erm most computer systems .
16 This remark had made Denis so mad he 'd swung a punch at his young brother , and Michael , being used to that sort of thing at Rafferty 's , easily avoided it .
17 A paperback copy of some financial blockbuster he is carrying around is dismissed as ‘ not my sort of thing at all ’ ( he has been asked to review it on a radio show ) .
18 Harris peremptorily summoned him to the committee-room after this latter incident and told him : ‘ We do not want that sort of thing at Lord 's , Fender . ’
19 Er well that did n't last very long , he was n't really cut out for that sort of thing at all .
20 It did n't seem my sort of thing at all and I gave Harvey a glance to indicate it .
21 ‘ Do n't ‘ old with that sort of thing at all .
22 I mean you do that sort of thing at home do n't you , but
23 Now I have already criticized recall and memory as a guide to advertising effectiveness , so I am clearly vulnerable when I adduce this sort of thing as evidence for long-term effects of advertising .
24 you know they will have to do that sort of thing as part of a a job and they do n't really want to spend time doing it .
25 One could say the same sort of thing about Captain Maxwell and the 26 banks that lent money to his enterprises .
26 ‘ No — that has n't come my way — marriage , ’ he said rather oddly , as if it were the sort of thing about which one had no conscious choice .
27 , I hope you 're not , well several interesting things have come out of there , it just shows the sort of thing about working under pressure , and the limited amount of time , erm , the limited amount of planning time for the managers certainly .
28 It 's a shame to have to write that sort of thing into a contract , but you ca n't trust the buggers . ’
29 And on a major project like that it might be sensible to bill that sort of thing into the fees at the at the outset .
30 ‘ Bloody terrible … amateur … when I put my money into something I do n't expect … ca n't put that sort of thing into a professional theatre … ’
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