Example sentences of "mind 's eye [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Once I had seen a rabbit snare fixed between the palings of a fence , and now my mind 's eye saw a rabbit hopping slowly towards this remembered snare as if hypnotized , and the rabbit was me .
2 Now my mind 's eye saw Aunt Louise 's little resting place : but the inscription ?
3 His mind 's eye saw again , with the sharp clarity of a six-year-old , the battered galloping horses with flaring nostrils , the glittering brass posts , twisted like giant barley sugar sticks , the dizzy red and yellow swingboats and the snakes of black flex that coiled across the bruised grass of Thrush Green waiting to ensnare the feet of the bedazzled .
4 My mind 's eye saw it well tamed and abloom with all kinds of ground-cover plants .
5 Frederica 's quick mind 's eye saw what Crowe saw : a figure broomstick-thin against the dune , splay-footed in sensible sandals , thin-shouldered in the provincial flowered sundress , with its white pique triangles below the straps , butterfly-bowed on the small breasts , plain , yes , but not shockingly or brilliantly plain , smart in Calverley , unexceptionable in Nîmes and Bargemon , dowdy in this company .
6 But her mind 's eye saw only one face , one man .
7 Almost certainly , the image in your mind 's eye involves those billiard balls you learned about at school .
8 I can see them in my mind 's eye rising and dancing slowly around the room , their bodies undulating in a controlled exuberance as if lifted out of the world of motor cars , rockets and computerised mentalities into some universal heartbeat , some rhythm of the day , of the night , of the sea , of life .
9 Paul bore all this in mind , looking down at Emily ; he could see her in his mind 's eye presiding over tea-parties at Oxford , saying the right thing to professors ' wives ; playing her part as his own wife , while he continued with his work uninterrupted except — he dared not think of it now — for the nights .
10 In the polling booth your mind 's eye sees the deductions on the payslip more vividly than the hospital queues .
11 He 'd had thirty five years ' experience , he was looking at th and and in his mind 's eye putting the jigsaw puzzle into the van as it were to work out how much space it would take .
12 Always in your mind 's eye see yourself as you stretch either upwards or towards your sides , ‘ growing ’ at least two inches out of the hip .
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