Example sentences of "until she [verb] had " in BNC.

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1 Anyone acting out of character worried her in this way , until she had had a silent time alone , to work it out and grow used to the change .
2 Sister Ignatia had said that Flora could n't know whether she wanted to come or not until she had had a sniff of the place , seen some of the other girls .
3 But not yet — not until she had had time to rebuild her shattered defences .
4 Not until she had had time to explain that Oliver was only a little boy , that he had n't really understood …
5 She 'd tried to keep the newspaper story hidden from her because she did n't want to discuss it until she 'd had more time to get her thoughts in order … but of course mother had found it and started questioning compulsively about abortion , what exactly was the law on it now , how did you get one , where did you go , what did it cost , things she must have heard Dorothy and her friends discussing a hundred times but which the newspaper report had triggered into today 's obsession .
6 She made an effort to feel some true sympathy , but it was difficult — she supposed that she would n't be able to experience compassion in a deep and real sense until she 'd had some children , since only matters like the putting down of young greyhounds brought tears to her eyes .
7 Hauling her all the way from the Bishop 's castle at a pace he must have known was impossible for her to keep up with , until she 'd had no breath left with which to explain .
8 Every time she had protested that she could ride alone and was not fit to be near anyone until she 'd had several baths he had laid his hand over her mouth and told her to hush .
9 She did n't want him to see it until she 'd had time to think .
10 She was n't going to risk being thrashed again in conversation , not yet , not until she 'd had a chance to recharge her worn batteries .
11 I want a bigger bike but she 's not gon na ride it until she 's had the baby .
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