Example sentences of "until [pron] arrived at " in BNC.

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1 I had thought that if you were not following with a score to marvel at Rattle 's ability to achieve those dynamics so accurately , you would probably feel alienated until you arrived at the next big moment .
2 The BX 4x4 Estate , yesterday a safari vehicle , became today a Grand Tourer as we made our farewell circuit through picturesque villages and bustling market towns until we arrived at the old spa resort of Buxton , said to be the highest town in England , where we had , reluctantly , to admit that it was time to head for home .
3 It was all going entirely to plan and quite uneventful until we arrived at about 150 feet above the upwind end of the runway .
4 The BX 4×4 Estate , yesterday a safari vehicle , became today a Grand Tourer as we made our farewell circuit through picturesque villages and bustling market towns until we arrived at the old spa resort of Buxton , said to be the highest town in England , where we had reluctantly to admit that it was time to head for home .
5 He had we started out somewhere I had no idea where we were going , until we arrived at this big building with a high railing surrounding the yard and a crowd of children shouting and playing in the yard .
6 The restaurant was still standing but I suspected some unpleasantness had taken place as neither of them said a word until we arrived at the hospital again .
7 They followed the stretcher until they arrived at a large tent which had a hastily painted sign slung across its front .
8 Then , being prevented from moving into other grazing areas by groups which had developed similar ideas of ownership , and realizing that there were limits to the carrying capacity of the land , they would sell off surplus cattle until they arrived at a perfect balance between the land and the stock residing upon it .
9 ‘ You could say that … ’ he began cautiously , and after that Kate ensured the conversation stayed firmly on business rails until they arrived at the hotel which the team used when testing in the south of France .
10 She and Spike journeyed down the river until they arrived at the space station .
11 The Moulds left Myddle shortly after the Civil War and their leisurely progress northwards along what is now the A 495 can be followed in local parish registers until they arrived at Whitchurch early in the nineteenth century .
12 ‘ I 'm not smiling at that and I 'm not interested in what you thought , ’ she snapped , then fell silent until they arrived at the zoo .
13 Yanto cycled on down the wharf , dodging the mooring ropes until he arrived at the berth of a small Norwegian timber boat called ‘ Marit , ’ registered in Oslo .
14 Baldwin did not get the King 's message until he arrived at the Travellers ' Club for lunch .
15 Like everyone else on holiday , he thought he had ‘ got away from it all ’ for a few days until he arrived at the famous White Horse Inn and was confronted by … fellow Fellow ( ! )
16 He did n't allow himself to think about Zoe until he arrived at the field entrance to the cottage .
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