Example sentences of "almost 40 per [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 Between 1976 and 1986 when the total number of one parent families increased by 35 per cent , families headed by women increased more than families headed by men — almost 40 per cent compared to just over 10 per cent .
2 The number of people in England and Wales over the age of 75 has increased by 20 per cent since 1981 ; and those over 85 by almost 40 per cent , according to the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys .
3 Almost 40 per cent of Britain 's £8000 million annual building repair bill is spent on structures built since 1960 .
4 According to Craig and Chou , it is already contributing 0.23°C to mean global temperatures through the greenhouse effect , and this is almost 40 per cent of the possible ( but not yet confirmed ) effect of carbon dioxide today .
5 The number of women drinking low or no-alcohol lager has doubled in four years to almost 40 per cent , a survey shows .
6 Yet , the modal age of the known Wirral user was 19 years : only 17 per cent were aged 26 years or older , and almost 40 per cent were aged 20 years or younger .
7 In 1982 , the death rate for adult professional and managerial employees was 23 per cent below the overall average , while for unskilled workers the death rate was almost 40 per cent above the average .
8 She also cites evidence from school inspectors which says that in almost 40 per cent of primary schools parents were topping up the capitation allowance for books and equipment by more than 30 per cent .
9 Consequently , the highest rates of unemployment occur in the inner urban areas — in some cases almost 40 per cent at a time when general unemployment levels , according to the official figures , are about 6 per cent .
10 Almost 40 per cent of such problems were attributed in whole or part to the pupils ' characteristics whilst in about 65 per cent of cases the home was thought to be wholly or partly to blame .
11 It is also evident in the overall figures , which show that we have attracted almost 40 per cent .
12 My office is inundated with referrals concerning housing needs and the official figure for homelessness shows an almost 40 per cent .
13 Almost 40 per cent of the country 's budget goes on the 57,000-strong civil service .
14 First , because ( as the social surveys which become available from the late 1880s make clear ) the poor workers — who formed almost 40 per cent of the London working class — hardly enjoyed the ‘ barest decencies of existence ’ , even by the austere standards then applied to the lower orders .
15 The voluntary programme is open to ships of all flags and is supported by almost 40 per cent of the world 's merchant fleet .
16 Profits from shipbuilding rose almost 40 per cent to £73.5 million , with the Norwegian and Finnish yards which make specialised cargo ships reporting good order books in spite of the recession .
17 Best of all , the fall in sterling should favour profits , almost 40 per cent come from hard currencies .
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